Tuesday, July 31, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
7 30 18


July 30, 2018

Moscow Warns It Knows About US-EU Military Plans To Attack Russia As Globalist “Hell Storm” Prepares To Strike America

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A gravely worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that within less than 48 hours from President Putin declaring that Christianity is the foundation of Russian nationhood and cultural identity, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was forced to warn the US and EU that Moscow was aware of their military plans to attack Russia—and whose US-EU anti-Christ and demonic globalist forces are preparing to strike America this coming week with a “hell storm” of disastrous global economic news pointing towards a Western global economic collapse both President Trump and President Putin will be scapegoated for—but whose full truth behind lies squarely at the doorstep of these Western demonic globalists as no one has practiced more fascist-style criminality and brutality towards law and peace than these polite-sounding pseudo-democrats who have been in office for the past 70 years in both the US and Europe.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Knowing that the next phase of this Clinton Regime led demonic globalist master plan for Russia, after destroying its economy, was to obliterate its borders in order to flood the Motherland with millions of Islamic refugees who would spread disease and wipe out Christianity, this report continues, on 31 December 1999, President Vladimir Putin assumed power—with his thereafter presiding over what is being called the “Triumph of Christianity in Russia” that he solidified two days ago by declaring that Christianity is, and will forever remain, the foundation of Russian nationhood and cultural identity.

With this demonic globalist master plan to destroy Christianity being stopped at the borders of Russia, this report details, the United States and European Union, beginning in 2001, began an unending series of illegal wars in Middle East to destroy all vestiges of this powerful faith where Christianity was first born—most barbarically to include having their ISIS terrorists reduce to ruins all of the ancient Christian heritage sites they could—but which Russia declared a “Holy War” against and vowed to stop.

While simultaneously eradicating Christianity from the Middle East, this report notes, these US-EU demonic globalists, like they had done in Russia during the previous decade, also began the wholesale looting of the entire Western economy that led to the 2007-2008 global financial crisis—and in whose chaos of allowed them to destroy the borders of both the United States and European Union so they could flood tens-of-millions of illegal refugees into these nations to eradicate Christians forever.

 You can NEVER say that these demonic globalists didn’t warn you what we they were doing, only that you didn’t listen

In 2016, however, this report continues, the master plan devised by these demonic globalists to destroy Christianity were smashed into headlong by Donald Trump—who not only stunned these satanic demons by becoming the President of the United States, but, even more dangerously, committed the heresy of siding with what President Putin had done to protect Russia and its peoples by returning them to the solid moral and social precepts of their ancient Christian faith—with Trump, barely a year ago, traveling to Poland where, in the midst of nearly 1 million faithful Christians, declared open warfare on these demonic globalists and stated in defense of Christianity:

We write symphonies.  We reward brilliance.  We strive for excellence, and cherish inspiring works of art that honor God.  We treasure the rule of law and protect the right to free speech and free expression.

We empower women as pillars of our society and of our success.  We put faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, at the center of our lives.  And we debate everything. We challenge everything.  We seek to know everything, so that we can better know ourselves.

The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive.  Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost?

Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? 

Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?

To those seeking to “subvert and destroyChristianity in the United States by failing to protect its borders, this report explains, now includes powerful forces within President Trump’s own Republican Party who have aligned themselves with these demonic globalists against the American people—and one of whose most shameful displays was evidenced this past week after the highly influential pro-Trump columnist Ann Coulter rightfully assured Trump that his “poll numbers would go through the roof” if he’d build his border wall—and to which Trump quickly responded to by declaring that he’d shut down the entire US government if he didn’t get funding to do this—but that was met by Never-Trump Republican leaders Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell telling reporters that they will not fund the Trump Border Wall in the upcoming spending bill. 

Joining these top Republican Party US Congressional leaders in defying President Trump and the Christian-American people to keep the demonic globalist agenda in the United States alive, this report says, are the equally powerful so-called “conservative” multi-billionaire activists Charles and David Koch (known as the Koch Brothers)—who for the first time in their history are now openly supporting the Democratic Party as they want all US borders to be immediately abolished.

Further attacking President Trump on his supposed to be secure Republican Party right-flank, this report continues, is longtime Republican Party stalwart columnist George Will, who is now urging everyone to vote for the demonic globalist Democrats—with Will being joined by the equally longtime Republican Party warmonger Max Boot who, astonishingly, is now proclaiming that he would “take Obama back in a nanosecond” because, Boot insanely says, “his presidency appears to be a lost golden age when reason and morality reigned”. 

While being attacked on his own Republican Party right-flank, this report notes, President Trump is, likewise, battling the demonic globalist Democratic Party on his left-flank too—best exampled by one of these Democrats main spokeswomen, US Congress member Maxine Waters who’s now declaring that she’s “been sent by God” to destroy Trump and is urging everyone in America to “take to the streets in rage” against him—with her further vowing to wipe out Trump’s tax cuts for the American people once the Democrats retake power, and her ominously threatening to throw Trump out of office once Democrats are back in charge and directly stating: “Look Out Trump, You’re in Trouble”.

Joining the demonic globalist US Congresswoman Maxine Waters in destroying President Trump and Christianity in America, this report says, is her US Senate counterpart Kirsten Gillibrand—who is vowing, once the Democrats retake control, to abolish the United States border police force, that would then allow tens-of-millions of illegal’s to flood into the US—but with US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes warning that the “Deep State” is failing to turn over critical documents in their hopes that the Democrats will win—one of whose most critical of Congressman Nunes stunningly declares the American public will be “shocked” when they see it.

The master plan envisioned by these demonic globalists, this report concludes, is to create a global economic crisis that will send millions of Americans into the streets to protest about—with these rage induced peoples then throwing the Republican Party out of power in the 2018 Midterm Election for the US Congress—that will be immediately followed the Never-Trump Republicans and leftist-socialist Democrats joining forces to throw President Trump out of office—with them then attacking Russia as a means to keep Trump’s forces from rallying to his defense—and that has caused Foreign Minister Lavrov to just warn that “our awareness of what plans the US and other Western countries’ militaries are nursing in relation to the Russian Federation is guaranteed”—and his further vowing that “whatever happens in the world, our security as a state, the security of our citizens, our sovereignty will be most securely protected”.

July 30, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
7 28 18



Hal Turner Commentary


The problem of Pedophilia is not limited to New Zealand.  It exists in every country and, sadly, is believed by many to be a widespread and severe problem here in the United States.

For years there have been widely circulated rumors that the problem is particularly severe in the political class; with folks saying such sexual monsters are often backed as political candidates because "they can be controlled." 

When those backing a particular candidate know they can control his every move by holding his satanic Pedophilia over his head, then those who know the secret actually control the government as opposed to those who the American people elect.

Many also believe the problem is so widespread, infecting virtually EVERY department of government, that these activities are able to flourish because those who enforce the law are also compromised.  While this belief makes sense, it has only been tangentially supported.

For instance, in May, 2014, Two police officers, a rabbi, a registered nurse, a nanny and a Boy Scout den leader were among 70 men and one woman arrested on charges of trading child pornography in what federal officials said was one of the largest-ever roundups in the New York City area.

The arrests included a woman charged with producing and distributing child pornography involving her own child and a man who used hidden cameras to secretly film his naked stepdaughter.

Still another defendant was already on bail following his arrest in 2013 on charges that he used the Internet to direct women to record sex acts with young children. Court papers alleged he "indicated the last video he had downloaded and viewed depicted a mother sexually abusing her 3- or 4-year-old child."

One had been convicted and sentenced for raping someone younger than 11 years old.

The arrests were part of a federal investigation that resulted in the seizure of nearly 600 desktop and laptop computers, tablets, smartphones and other devices, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations said in a press release at the time. Some of those possessed libraries with thousands of sexually explicit images and videos of children.

A poster board displayed photos, names and occupations of five men arrested as part of the operation: Brian Fanelli, a former police chief; Samuel Waldman, a rabbi; Yong Wu, a police officer; Jonathan Silber, a Boy Scout leader and Little League baseball coach; and Aaron Young, a paramedic.

At a press conference, James Hayes, the head of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations New York office at the time, said officials are certain there will be more charges against the 71 people arrested and possibly more arrests.

"These defendants came from all walks of life," Hayes said. "Many of these defendants are well-educated and successful."

None of the victims in the images found on the computers has been identified, Hayes said.

That was back in 2014.  What has happened since?  

Donald J. Trump - political OUTSIDER - was elected President of the United States.

During Trump's first year as President, a strange thing began to happen: A very significant number of long time members of the US Congress, began announcing they would NOT be seeking re-election.

That is a very peculiar thing given that about 98% of such politicians are always re-elected.  People began wondering aloud WHY so many of these political elite were choosing to leave?  Some folks openly asked if these politicians somehow found out "the jig is up" for them?  Are some of them Pedophiles who have been told they're under criminal Indictment and to quietly leave before their arrest takes place?

Could a situation exist right now in the United States where so many elected officials at both the federal and state levels are under SEALED Indictment, that Trump was actually FORCED to wait on arresting them, for fear the government would collapse?

If that is the case, then it would seem prudent to wait until the country is much closer to election time, to effect such mass arrests.  

The American people would be shattered if many dozens of their trusted officials were found to be satanic pedophiles, but if that information was held back until close to election time, the country could withstand such a revelation and mass arrests for the month or two before the election, knowing the problem would be cleaned out when Ballots were cast in just a few short weeks.

In my personal opinion, I believe this is the case.

I know as a matter of established fact, there are presently some 40,000+ SEALED CASES on the Dockets of all 94 federal Districts Courts throughout the entire United States.  That is an astonishing and unprecedented number of sealed cases.

There are many reason for a case to be sealed on a docket: If one company is suing another over trade secrets, sealing the case protects such trade secrets.  If a minor child is facing criminal charges, cases may also be sealed to protect the future of a youthful offender, with hope they can be turned around and put back into a productive life.  Of course, if a case is criminal in nature, and contains an Indictment, such cases would remain sealed until authorities could locate and assure the arrest of Defendants.  The sealing of those Indictments prevents the Accused from fleeing.

But in all the history of the United States, the largest number of sealed cases in any single year . . . was 1099 back in the year 2010.   No other year had more than 1099 sealed cases on federal Dockets; until the Trump Administration came in. 

In its first year, the Trump Administration filed some 18,000+ Sealed cases. Lo and behold, that just happened to coincide with a slew of Congressional members telling the public they would not be seeking re-election.   HMMMMMMMMM

Moreover, the opposition in Congress to Trump's election mandate to "BUILD A WALL" on America's southern border was astonishing.  Many Americans wondered why so many in Congress would oppose securing our border.  But what if the real reason for such opposition was that securing the border would CUT OFF the supply of "fresh meat" for Congressional Pedophiles? Could THAT be the case? HMMMMMMMM.

As the Trump Administration entered its second year, the number of Sealed cases rose to over 40,000.  As these sealed cases continued to appear on Dockets all over the country, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced he was hiring another THREE HUNDRED Assistant US Attorneys.   HMMMMMMM.

To those of us who are able to track such things, it appears that something gigantic is in the works within federal law enforcement.  Perhaps something even HISTORIC.

Wouldn't it be something if President Trump made good on his promise to "Drain the Swamp" by prosecuting thousands of satanic pedophiles and cleaning them out of government?  That would be a very good thing.

Stay tuned.

Ramey comments:

How many of these sealed indictments are going to be thrown out of court or dismissed because the judge is also up to his/her neck in the human trafficking? 

Americans have no concept of just how pervasive this practice is an how it affects every layer of gov't in America.  We will soon find out as America is destroyed totally for these atrocities and for her citizenry turning a blind eye to it. 

Justice is every bit as ugly as the crimes that precede and demand it.  That is on our doorstep even as i write this. 

It is extremely difficult to accept that the writings of the prophets are as certain as tomorrow morning's sunrise.  But if we are ignorant of those  writings, we don't have to accept them --- we can assume they are no longer relevant according to what our liberal college professors have told us.  The wake-up call will be devastating.  When the announcement comes in the form of an earthquake felt worldwide but centered in America, the time for researching and pondering will be over.  The non-stop action will have begun and the crisis at the close of the age will be unfolding.