Thursday, July 26, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
7 22 18




He didn't come with a message so complex that only the doctors of the law could understand, and He only had one meeting with the religious notables in Jerusalem and that was at the age of 12 years.  He astounded them with His wisdom and chose to associate with the likes of fisher-men after that --- and even tax collectors!

What was His message?  We find it in Mark 1:14.  "He came preaching and teaching the kingdom of God".  He didn't come with a bagful of rituals we are to keep if we want to be in that kingdom.  He didn't come with a promise of men going to heaven.  He didn't come giving the exact diameter of a tonsure if you expected to become a teacher of men.  Nowhere did He say you must "Run your rosary at least three times a day" --- in fact He cautioned against using "...vain repetitions" in your prayers. 

"...The kingdom of God" --- isn't that beautifully simple?  The common folk came to hear His lectures because He spoke in easy to understand terms they could understand.  One man even asked Him, "Good Master, what must I do to be saved?"  His answer was also beautifully simple.  He said, "Keep the commandments".  How about that?

Many well meaning religious folks think that Christ spent His adolescence and early manhood in the Jerusalem area --- but isn't it strange there is no mention of that any-where in the gospels?  Is this another assumption on the part of religion?  If we can stand knowledge outside of our own limited perspective, there is a book by Raymond Capt, entitled "Traditions of Glastonbury" that can shed some interesting light on this subject. 

So was the world a religious place in the days when Christ walked it in the flesh? Sure it was.  The Romans had their pantheon of gods as they still do today.  The Jews had so commercialized and ritualized the world of Judaism as to make it totally incomprehensible --- unless, of course, you were among the elite that had been indoctrinated into the "mysteries".  Christ called them "hypocrites and vipers".

Has it improved since?

Christ told His disciples beforehand, that He would be leaving planet earth but that He would return at the "appointed time" and that situations on earth at that time would be " it was in the days of Noah".   If we are to believe the story as given in Genesis 5-6, there were only eight people on earth rescued from that flood.  "...As it was in the days of Noah..."  If we are even half awake to world conditions today, that statement, (if we believe what He said), should rattle us down to our toenails.

It seems that whatever Christ taught, religion has it upside down and backwards. Despite what He said plainly, some think and teach that He came to bring peace on earth.  What He said was, "Think you that I came to bring peace on earth?  I tell you Nay but rather a sword".  Perhaps those misguided souls should read the first few verses of Isaiah 63. 

I said I would explain in simple terms why religion has so complicated the message brought by Christ so now I shall try to get on with that.  But first, in order for us to understand these simple terms, there are some basics we must understand.  We find some of those basics in "Whom will He teach knowledge and cause to understand doctrine?"  This is found in the 28th chapter, verse 9 of the book of Isaiah.  It goes on to explain that these must be mature adults and then details how He will accomplish that teaching and imparting of understanding.

The second thing we must understand is contained in Revelation 12:9 and is that Satan, (Lucifer), has deceived the "...whole world" and this deception was already pretty much completed when Christ walked the earth some 2000 years ago. 

How does one deceive a "...whole world" made up of so many races, languages, cultures, classes and financial divisions? 

Obviously, there has to be a forum for such a project that bridges all these differences.  Wouldn't you think?  Now if we can but find that forum, we should be able to find the "How?" of Satan's deception of the whole world.  Search the world and you will only find one such forum.  It is religion and is a creation of Satan, millennia ago, for the express purpose of this deception.  Whether you call it Voodoo, Luciferian, Lutheran, Baptist, Jonesism, or atheism --- it is still religion.  And yes, Darwinism comes under this same label as I have shown plainly in past Commentaries. 

Now religion has splintered into more than 1000 cults, all with the same mother --- the Babylonian Mystery Religion. 

Christ was not the founder of Christianity and any objective research project into this SCAM will reveal this. 

The world today is built on SCAMs.   Among the most blatant is the one that leads us to believe that the Rothschilds own the banking world.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The Encyclopedia Judaica dares to expose this myth under "Rothschilds".  It simply says they are "...keepers of the Vatican treasures". 

The little counterfeit nation the world calls "Israel" is another of the SCAMs our world is built on.  The world, in their blissful scriptural ignorance, accepts the myth that this is the remnants of the lost ten tribes of Israel.  This myth has been amply exposed in the pages of these Commentaries. 

In chapter 4 of the gospel of Luke, Satan showed Christ "...ALL the kingdoms of the world..." and told Him, "ALL these belong to me and to whomsoever I will, I give them". 

Christ was not one to let a lie go unchallenged but He did not dispute this claim of Satan. 

Can we begin to see the answer to the lead question in this article?  This world has been ruled by Satan (Lucifer) since time immemorial and before it was named earth.

His world was cleaved in half by the Eternal back when it was named Tiamat and half of it was scattered across what we call the asteroid belt today.  Since that time, Satan has determined to destroy this earth entirely and his minions are working diligently (although ignorantly), toward that end. 

Satan and a third of the angels of heaven were given Tiamat to dress and keep and they blew it big time.  And yet the Eternal doesn't yank His subjects around and dispose of them at the first error.  So Satan has an appointed time at which he will be displaced and replaced as the "...god of this world", and we see the coronation of his replacement in Daniel 7:13-14.  At that time he will be restrained for 1000 years before again being released to muster an army of those who want to return to the "good ole days" ow war and plunder.  It is my understanding that those who have witnessed a world of peace but follow him at that time will have their names erased from the rolls of the living forever. 

So why has the world of religion so complicated the simplicity of the message brought some 2000 years ago by the Christ?  To mask their Satanic activities which include pedophilia, child rape, torture and murder and all the other crimes associated with the drive for the one world gov't under the jurisdiction of Satan. 

We have the assurance of the prophets that this world rule is nearing it's end and the world will be delivered from these monsters by the intervention of the Elohim.

Are we seeing the ramp-up to this intervention in insane activities of the communist left in their efforts to destroy America in order to usher in the NWO? 

Time is short but a new world is coming in which the world will know peace for 1000 years.  You saw it first in the Commentaries --- unless of course, you have read Revelation 20.

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