Monday, July 9, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
7 5 18


The Global Elite That Have Their Hand On All The Switches Know How Individualistic And Enterprising Many Americans Are

July 4, 2018

The global elite that have their hand on all the switches know how individualistic and enterprising many Americans are. If this country were destroyed economically and our infrastructure were destroyed we have the ability to rebuild it all over time. Many of the global players know that a small core of Americans can never be subjugated and could cause many problems for years to come if left to their own devices. In a country as big as America it would be almost impossible to round up all of them so something more drastic may be needed.

Let us not forget the goal of some to return the Earth to a population of 500 million. This means the eradication of 6.5 billion people. Why would Americans think they are exempt from this depopulation event.

It has been said before that the goal of an economic collapse would be to not only take America down to third world levels but even lower so Americans would have no chance to rebuild and cause the globalists any serious problems in the future. Even with a collapse much of our infrastructure and knowledge and raw materials would still be available to rebuild.

The goal of Agenda 21 is to return large portions of the land to wilderness and eliminate the human element in these places. When you start to look at the things that some want to happen here a frightening picture begins to form.

– Destroy economy and peoples wealth
– Destroy infrastructure and return land to wilderness
– Destroy peoples ability to rebuild
– Destroy population to return to sustainable global levels

Because it will link current events to ancient Biblical prophecies, step by step.

And you will realize why we are standing at the precipice of the darkest event in the history of mankind…

The only things under human control that could do all of these things is a global pandemic of biblical proportions or a major world war. Either or both could be in the works at this time.

The elite have made no secret that they wish to destroy American hegemony at all costs. A pandemic would certainly accomplish many of the goals listed but it is not guaranteed. Even some survivors would be capable of rebuilding some of the nation and that possibility is not acceptable.

The other option is a major war. As any person who knows the history of WWII and the destruction of Europe knows, destruction of people and materials through warfare is very effective. The end of WWII saw the U.S. as the most powerful nation left standing because we came out of it relatively unscathed. Our vaults were full of gold and our factories were second to none.

That cannot be allowed to happen again in America so the next war must bring total destruction to this land.

America will likely be exposed to an attack so fierce that nothing will remain to rebuild. A force that occupies the nation and systematically reduces the population through a series of initiatives from bullets to chemical weapons to starvation will help to accomplish the Agenda 21 result. If the globalists really want to reduce the world population do you really think they will leave all Americans standing?

They will destroy or remove any and all equipment that allows people to survive and care for themselves long term. They will remove any resources that they can use and destroy the rest. Essentially a scorched earth policy will unfold in America that leaves a barren wilderness unable to sustain any large group of people. When that is accomplished the destroyers will likely go home to some large degree. The mineral resources here are well known and can be extracted any time the globalists want in the future.

When they are done all that will remain of this nation will be a vast wilderness with a few scattered people with no ability to confront the globalists. It will be much as it was when the Europeans fist set foot here.

For those willing to sacrifice and do the hard work it may still be possible to salvage the nation from this destruction. For those with the indomitable spirit to go on and rebuild it is possible for this phoenix to rise again from the ashes. But for that to happen, some things will have to be preserved from the destruction to allow a new start.

– raw materials such as scrap metal and chemicals
– knowledge in the form of professionals and books
– equipment for building in the form of machining equipment
– basic medical equipment
– equipment for casting and refining
– equipment to make copper wire
– farm equipment and implements that can be duplicated
– livestock that can be bred and expanded
– seed stocks that can be grown and processed
– equipment to process fibers for cloth and rope
– electrical equipment such as generators and communications gear

No one person could store all of these things so it must fall on multiple groups with various knowledge and abilities to preserve this core of technological abilities. These items would have to be literally buried to escape detection and destruction for the duration of the event. That is possible if done in time and right now time grows short.

For many it would be easy to hide some resources for later use to rebuild and enjoy a rustic lifestyle without all of the technology. The only problem with that is eventually you may be faced with the spectre of the destroyers returning and any lone homesteads with little technological means would be easy prey for another assault. The only way to rebuild and expand with the ability to defend is to establish communities that are connected and technologically capable.

The scenario laid out here is not a happy one but it is survivable if actions are taken in time. Only the hardiest of individuals would likely live through something like this but they are the ones that history calls nation builders. To dismiss this scenario as impossible is to do so at your own peril should events come to pass. Something is impossible until it’s not.

The Lost Book Of Remedies about:

·       How To cure any disease naturally using common plants growing in your own backyard?

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The Danger Is Real: When The Real SHTF happens a series of social and economic meltdown quickly follows like a chain reaction.

Ramey comments:

I do hope my readers are starting to see articles like this coming more and more into alignment with the writings of the prophets.  While the "elite" may exhibit all the accoutrements of fools, they are "coyote type" fools.   They know very well the degree of destruction that must be achieved in America --- and that is depicted in this article.  Shall we turn to Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-52 and read where it says, in reference to Babylon, (America), "... it shall never again be inhabited".  Presumably, the vast majority of survivors of the coming holocaust will be Israelites.  But, yes, even in the eyes of the "elite", (open Satan worshippers), America must be destroyed totally. The destruction will be total and with no chance of America being rebuilt. 

The author of this article does not realize that but the "elite" do.  And they are the "rod of correction" of the Eternal.  America held that position at one time but lust and greed disqualified them as we see in the book of Habakkuk and now they are to be the recipients of that "...rod of correction".

Are we watching the progression of the civil war in America?  It isn't going away.  In fact it is ramping up.  Surely we see the deep state being backed into a corner to the point that they must do something drastic or face annihilation.  Up to this point their attempts at something drastic have been brought down in a crossfire by Trump and Putin forces.  Can we count on that continuing? 

The promised massive arrests have not yet started --- will they?  I am far from convinced that is the right course of action.  My gut feel is that they should be "Arkancided" along with the liberal judges across America --- and I mean at every level --- local, state, federal and supreme court. To leave these vermin free to roam and commit their mischief is, in my opinion, tantamount to allowing rattlesnakes to live in your home.  Are they "defanged" when position of authority is ended?  Witness BO, Hillary, Comey, Brennan and Clapper.  Are they no longer a threat?  Trump needs to wake up to the world of reality.  He seems to have relaxed, comfortable in the assumption that the ringleaders are neutralized --- but this is deception at a high level. 

We are sitting on the precipice of an event so big as to be mind boggling.  Will Trump wake up in time to save his scalp?  I don't see it in the cards and more importantly, I don't see it in the writings of the prophets.

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