Monday, November 23, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




Special Report: An Epic Wave Of Islamic Terror Coming to America According To The Hebrew Scriptures

Friday, November 20, 2015 15:46

Israel Ben Barzle
Yehoshua Ben Barzle

The world has watched in utter horror as more and more details of the Islamic militant attack on Paris unfold. Internet videos of the recent atrocity in the French capitol now circulate the web showing the carnage of innocent bodies, blood, and spent rifle shells littering the floor of a formerly popular Parisian concert hall. In the aftermath, we have heard from the survivors, traumatized, psychologically attempting to grope with the repulsion of this terrible, violent ordeal. Not since 9/11 has the world community been this rocked by Islamic terrorism.

As the Western world rallies around the people of France, there is a question that now haunts our everyday, modern reality: “Is this the beginning of something bigger?”

Most unfortunately, “yes”, this is a scene that America will soon face; but it will be a scene magnified a thousand times over. What we saw in Paris is just the beginning, and as more and more Muslim fighting-age men invade the Western European nations and The United States via the smokescreen of refugee status (an absolutely insane policy), the tragedy that happened in Paris, as horrific and unacceptable as it was, will seem like a proverbial stroll in the park.

What most Americans just cannot fathom in their Hollywood, consumer-centric paradigm is that the extreme Islamic world is initiating the conquest of their planet. The Fundamentalist Muslim warrior religion does not sell warm fuzzies like the Christian mega-churches do, promising a nice, comfy existence in this life; and, of course, the next life as well. Instead, radical Islam is a belief of ultimate devotion, as it promises nothing but extreme sacrifice, grave personal loss, martyrdom, and death to the unbeliever, something completely foreign to the American mall shopping mindset.

So is this really our future?

You bet it is. In fact, much more than most could ever imagine. And while you sip your gourmet coffee casually browsing through your favorite news websites, hundreds of thousands of determined Islamic Fundamentalists are devising ways to kill you, your family, and to ultimately annihilate the Judeo Christian way of life.

America in the Hebrew Old Testament

Believe it or not, the United States of America is found throughout the prophecies of the Old Testament, if you understand ancient terminology and are willing to invest in researching the subject in the Hebrew. Sure, you have been told by your seminary indoctrinated pastor who has almost zero idea what the Bible actually states in the original language, that America is never mentioned specifically in the Bible.

Nothing could be further from the Truth. The United States of America is a central, critical world superpower as we enter the final End of Days, and the Hebrew Scriptures reflect this key prophetic component in abundance.

The Babylon of the Last Days is mentioned all through the major and minor Prophets. Many of these prophetic passages go out of their way to communicate to the reader that what is being spoken of is not and cannot be ancient Babylon of history past, but a future-tense superpower that incorporates elements of Babylonian commerce, finance, idolatry, architecture, and greed-based prosperity. Any biblical teacher who puts forth that the Latter Day Babylon is Iraq, the Catholic Church, Rome, or some false religious system has never grasped the prophecies in the original Hebrew language that it was written in.

The Hebrew in these OT prophecies is emphatic: the Last Day Babylon is a real, national, mega-superpower entity that has precise attributes that can be identified in modern times. We will write about this in more detail in articles to come, but for now, here is a short list of identifiable characteristics of the Latter Day Babylon spoken of repeatedly in the Hebrew Scriptures.

Latter Day Babylon Enjoys a Prosperity Never Before Seen

Latter Day Babylon Controls World Commerce

Latter Day Babylon Has a Dominate Global Currency

Latter Day Babylon Has the World’s Premiere Military

Latter Day Babylon Has a Military Presence that is Projected Worldwide

Latter Day Babylon is the Recognized Seat of a World Government Entity (the UN)

Latter Day Babylon Has an Agricultural Production that is Unsurpassed

Latter Day Babylon Has National Borders that Encompass a Physical Land with an Abundance of Rainfall, Rivers, and Waterways

Latter Day Babylon is Encompassed by Oceans

Outside of Israel, Latter Day Babylon Holds the Majority Jewish Population (the House of Judah) in the Last Days

These attributes, and many others not cited, fit America as Babylon in our present time to a tee.

Cross referenced OT passages connect this Latter Day Babylon to an ancient place known as the “Wilderness of the Sea”, a historic term used by many past cultures to designate the North American continent. Additional cross-referenced passages state that this Latter Babylon was far off from historic Israel, “across” the “Ethiopian Sea”, a commonly used ancient name for the Atlantic Ocean.

Folks, none of these apply to Iraq, the Catholic Church, Rome, or a Religious System. These are all specific attributes that are perfectly embodied by the United States of America—EXACTLY!

To decisively plant a flag on America as the Daughter of Babylon all anyone has to do is look at a one dollar bill—America’s primary monetary denomination, and you will see ancient Babylonian symbols all over the place. Why? Why in modern times are there ancient, pagan Babylonian symbols on our money? No other national currencies have these Babylonian symbols.

And if this does not convince you, take a trip to DC, our nation’s capitol sometime. There, you will see a stunning pagan Babylonian obelisk—the Washington Monument; then, go to the Jefferson Memorial—patterned after a Babylonian Temple; visit the White House, an identical template of an ancient Babylonian palace. Or better yet, maybe take a trip to New York Harbor. Once there, you will see a 151-foot idol of the Roman Goddess Juno-Libertius—historically known as the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar, AKA the Statue of Liberty. Again, Why???

If a person is honest, they have to ask themselves—why are there so many ancient, pagan Babylonian symbols manifested in modern America? All of our primary national symbols of identity are Babylonian: our One Dollar Bill; the Great Seal of the US; the Washington Monument; the Jefferson Memorial; the White House; the Statue of Liberty…is this all just coincidence?

From empirical evidence given to us in the Hebrew Scriptures, this is not coincidence, and America is Latter Day Babylon, hands down (for more detailed info please see our free E-book pages 104-154). This has everything to do with everything biblically, and if you are an American, you had better buckle up!

Latter Day Babylon—America’s Fate

In Isaiah 13 we see a vivid prophetic narrative regarding the fate of Latter Day Babylon—the United States of America.

Isaiah 13:9-19

Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.

10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.

11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.

12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.

13 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.

14 And it shall be as the chased roe, and as a sheep that no man taketh up: they shall every man turn to his own people, and flee every one into his own land.

15 Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword.

16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.

17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it.

18 Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eyes shall not spare children.

19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.

First, please note that this passage in Isaiah 13 is obviously not speaking of the ancient empire of Babylon as some academics might try to convince you. This prophecy is taking place during the “Day of YHWH”, the world is being judged, and the heavens and earth are in geophysical upheaval as never before.

Secondly, let us examine more carefully verses 15-18.

Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword.

16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.

17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it.

18 Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eyes shall not spare children.

Notice that the passage specifies the “Medes” as a primary attacker against this Latter Day Babylon. The classical interpretation of this passage has centered on the Medes and Persians as being a group embodied by the modern Iranians. There is some solid evidence of this, and personally, I do not see any real issues with this interpretation; except for one thing: usually whenever the word “Medes” is used in the Hebrew Scriptures denoting a historical people group, it is always connected with the word for “Persia” as well, and Persia is always the primary identifier as modern Persian Iran. It is somewhat conspicuous that the word “Persia” as an identifier is not used in this prophecy as it normally is elsewhere in the Hebrew Scriptures.

Some theologians have even suggested that the ancient Medes spoken of in this and other prophetic passages, are the Kurdish people. Unfortunately, this is very, very outdated information from a hundred years ago and has been refuted by modern scholarship.

But if you study the Hebrew closely, you will see another possible layer of meaning here, one that is most likely the real emphasis of this passage in our modern context.

The word used in the ancient Hebrew for “Medes” in Isaiah 13 in Hebrew is “Madi”. This word does not have any real, potential meaning to us in our modern Western world. But in both the ancient and contemporary Islamic world of the East, the word “Madi” is a key word that is absolutely central to the Muslim Faith.

The Muslim Messiah

In Christianity, the central, Last Day’s figure is their Messiah known by most as “Jesus Christ”. In Judaism, the term for their coming king Messiah is the “Mashiach”. In Islam, in both the Sunni branch of Islam and the Shi’a branch of Islam, the Messianic figure coming to lead the judgment of the world and set up a worldwide Islamic caliphate in the Last days is known as the “Mahdi”.

Let’s compare the Hebrew word used in Isaiah 13 with the word for the coming Muslim Messiah:

“Madi” And “Mahdi”

Phonetically they are exactly the same.

In addition, in biblical Hebrew thought, people groups are often identified specifically in a single word by using a prominent leader’s name: Jacob (Israelites); Eber (Hebrews); Jeroboam (N. Israelites); Joseph (future Israel); Ishmael (Arabs); Esau (Edomites); Hagar (an Egyptian sect); etc. In fact, in our modern world we do the exact same thing. The followers of “Christ” are called “Christians”. Why? Because this is their Messiah, their prominent leader’s name. The simple fact that the Bible would use “Madi” to emphasis a people by their hoped for Messiah’s name makes perfect sense.

So, with this in mind, let’s call it spade to spade. The Muslim religion is sweeping the planet—over one billion in the world. The moderates of the Muslim religion have some sense of integration and tolerance, but the radicalized elements of this religion are at deadly odds with the Jews and the Christians. They have made no bones about their design to exterminate the Jews and the Christians by any means necessary, especially in the US and Israel. Almost all the violent attacks of terrorism in the world are coming from the Islamic radicals. Please remember, it was not the Christians or the Jews who were celebrating the 9/11 attacks—most Jews and Christians I know were in deep, deep mourning. It was the Islamic street that was full of celebration—from the Palestinians in the West Bank, the Hezbollah neighborhoods in south Lebanon, to the radical Muslim enclaves in America and Europe. They were passing out candy, dancing about, thrilled to see innocent men women, and children die at the hands of the Jihadists. To them, this was a great sign that the Muslim Messiah, the “Mahdi”, would soon be on the scene, leading the people of Islam to their final victory over the much hated infidels.

More Evidence

So, in the prophecy of Isaiah 13, what are the actions of these attackers of the “Madi”?

Citizens are Thrust Through

The Use of the Sword to Kill

The Killing of Children

The Destruction of Homes

The Gang Raping of Women

The Killing of Fighting-Age Men

The Killing of Pregnant Women—the Unborn in the Womb

And, what do we see demonstrated today by the fundamentalist religious fighters of the “Mahdi” all over the world, example after example—whether it be ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra Front, Boko Haram?

Citizens Thrust Through

The Use of the Sword to Kill

The Killing of Children

The Destruction of Homes

The Gang Raping of Women

The Killing of Fighting Age Men

The Killing of Pregnant Women—the Unborn in the Womb

And here is the kicker in Isaiah’s prophecy:

“Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it.”

Why are these attackers of Latter Babylon in Isaiah’s prophecy not interested in gold and silver? I mean, come on, in war, booty—the spoils of war, are the bonus for being the victor. What conquering people, especially from the poorer parts of the world, would not be interested in some hard-fought-for, financial enrichment, especially easily transportable gold and silver?

Unless…you are on a one-way trip motivated by religious zeal and you are looking for your payment in the next life. Think about it. What the Hebrew Scriptures are saying here can only be made sense of if the attackers are on a one way, suicide mission; thus, gold and silver would have no value to these attackers.

And what modern religious element is infamous for their war tactic of employing one way, suicide missions to eliminate an enemy objective? The answer is militant Islam—the people of the “Mahdi”. The recent terrorist attackers in Paris would be in this very same category. Even if some of the victims in Paris had begged for their life with gold and silver to be spared, it would have made no difference. The Islamic attackers were on a one way, suicide mission looking forward to a heavenly payment of a well-stocked harem of virgins. Nothing could have bought them off of their objective: to kill as many enemy infidels as possible and die in the process.

The Prophet Jeremiah Seconds This Notion

What makes this whole idea of the peoples of the Muslim “Mahdi” even clearer is a sister passage connected with this same exact prophetic event in the Scriptures—the destruction of the national superpower referenced as Latter Day Babylon, AKA the United States.

Jeremiah 51:11-12

Make bright the arrows; gather the shields: the Lord hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes: for his device is against Babylon, to destroy it; because it is the vengeance of the Lord, the vengeance of his temple.

12 Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the Lord hath both devised and done that which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon.

Interestingly, we see here the plural term “kings of the Medes”, better stated “kings of the Madi”. If it were just speaking of a single people group like the “Medes”, normally it would state simply “king”. However, here we see that there are multiple “kings” of the “Madi”. This would make super clear sense if you were talking about a confederation of people groups under a single cause. The Muslim faith is just such a cause, and the subjugation of planet earth by the sword is their mandate according to their Koran (Quran). And there are many different “kingdoms” under the single flag of Islam. Many of these different Muslim countries have actual “kings” of actual “kingdoms”; Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Jordan, etc.; are all kingdoms with a monarchy. Even the countries who do not have actual “kings” have central leadership that function as “kings”: Iran, Syria, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Libya, to name a few. All of these Islamic dictatorial countries believe in a Messiah of the Last Days known as the “Mahdi”, and are required to rally to the cause of the Mahdi when the time is right. Thus, the Prophet Jeremiah’s confederation of “kings” makes this understanding of the many peoples of the Mahdi even that much more distinct.

And Jeremiah goes on even further.

Jeremiah 51:28-29

Prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes, the captains thereof, and all the rulers thereof, and all the land of his dominion.

29 And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant.

Jeremiah is clearly talking about a vast confederation of many countries, kings, rulers, war leaders, all coming together under the “dominion” of the cause of the “Mahdi”, a Muslim Messianic figure.

And This Means…?

Putting this all together, what this means is that according to the ancient Hebrew Scriptures, America/Babylon is going to be invaded by a guerilla ground force of combined Muslim countries under the cause of an Islamic Messiah called the Mahdi. Some of these forces, as of today, have already been prepositioned as sleeper cells coming into America as refugees, immigrants, students, guest workers, and many through the porous southern border disguised as Hispanic immigrants. And although many American Muslims are presently moderate, the pressure to join this Islamic cause will be enormous, and as we have seen in Syria, to not join in the fight would mean the death of the Muslim moderates and their families.

According to the entire context of Jeremiah’s prophecy of Latter Babylon Chapters 50-51, this ground invasion will be under the umbrella of another superpower enemy (Russia and allies) that assaults the US with air power, mechanized units, and troops staged in the Arctic north, assaulting through Canada, and into the northern US.

The Hebrew Scriptures detail that the forces of the Islamic Mahdi will be used primarily as forward shock troops, expendable, with a determination to be expended. They will literally be fighting to die—dying in “Jihad” to secure their eternal destiny. There will be no quarter given, no mercy granted, no offers to surrender. These shock troops will join with imbedded fighters already present on US soil, and they will number in the hundreds of thousands…and they will slaughter millions. In their eyes it will be the ultimate religious cause—the true faithful of Islam destroying the infidels of the Great Satan.

While the Russians dispose of the US military, the utter tenacity and fearlessness of these Muslim religious fighters, just like we have seen with ISIS, will completely overwhelm the resistance of the American citizenry. According to the prophetic text, eventually the psychology of the Americans will fold, and the people of the Mahdi will virtually annihilate an entire population of modern people. The death toll on both sides will be catastrophic, the majority of the Muslim fighters gladly giving their life in the service of the Mahdi.

According to Jeremiah, the few survivors of this American Holocaust will soon succumb to disease, starvation, geophysical phenomena, and the elements. The only real option for the few survivors left will be to leave what used to be the United States and flee to another land.

Escape and Evasion

As graphic as I may have presented it, this is what the Hebrew Scriptures clearly state is coming to America, the Last Days Babylon. Radical Islamic Terrorism on an epic scale, under the flag of the “Mahdi”, is coming to the shores of this country. And, in a most unsettling way, we are watching this exact prophecy play out as our National Leadership sets the stage for this very thing by allowing an open southern border, the admitting of vast numbers of refugees in from Syria, and our politically correct protection of Muslim extremism in places like Dearborn, Columbus, Houston, New York, etc. No country in its right mind would open the door to the enemy in such a way; and yet, this is exactly what is happening in America and in Western Europe. This is literally prophecy in action right before our very eyes, and it has an ultimate conclusion—the death of the West.

And as unbelievable as it may sound to our patriotic sensibilities, please understand: the Creator has a very personal issue with America, and according to the Prophets, America will be utterly destroyed. Beyond the feel good of baseball games, apple pie, and Norman Rockwell, America has corrupted the entire world with our greed-based, fraudulent money system; we have fomented wars of death and destruction around the globe for the Banking Cartel; exported the filth of Hollywood to billions; legally destroyed millions of unborn babies; lived a selfish fantasy life underwritten by trillions of dollars of debt that will never, ever be repaid; promoted pagan Babylonian idolatry as symbols of freedom; and we have arrogantly thumbed our nose at the Creator and His ways—and all along calling ourselves a “G-d fearing” nation—Bravo Sierra.

But, dear reader, there is hope, and there is a way out of this. The Scriptures are very, very clear. The prophecies of the Hebrew Scriptures outline the Creator’s up and coming Escape and Evasion plan regarding this perilous scenario.

The question is…will you heed the warning…?

Please feel free to reproduce, publish, and post this article in any appropriate website, publication, or venue. We give full permission as long as authors are cited and none of the contents of the article are changed or modified—Israel Barzle

For more information please see our website: and download our Free E-Book regarding these and other very pertinent issues.

Ramey comments:

As I have told you previously, I could pick at some of the details of what these men present, but the bottom line is they are right on target and they are showing, better than I have, what is on our doorstep today.   The Trojan Horse has already been brought into our midst and we shall see the results in days or weeks at the most.

And the FBI Director tells us we must be prepared to protect our-selves from these monsters.  Is that carte blanche approval for all to carry weapons?

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