Thursday, November 26, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Greetings friends around the world:

Ordinarily, I skip the "comments" section of all the articles I read because I have found them a waste of time.  Occasionally I choose to read the comments just to ensure that my rule of thumb still applies.  The following is a choice bit of wisdom I found (in the comments section) at the end of an article entitled "US FED Emergency Meeting Monday, 23 November 2015". 

My apology to the author because I did not get his/her name.  But it is a well thought out and well written article and shows an understanding of world events that is beyond that of the vast majority.

I did add some emphasis toward the end to a matter that is quite dear to my heart and that I have been trying to get across for years.  That is the part about getting out of Israel --- ASAP if a certain measure fails. 

"OK let me put this into English for you.

The USA is in debt to the banks to the tune of $18 trillion to $50 trillion or more depending on what you read but a deal was struck between the bankers, the US military contractors and the banker puppets who run the USA that involved a debt for land swap.

Now the FED emergency meeting is because the US cannot secure the little bit of real estate known as Syria using it’s ISIS fighters because Russia is now blowing them to bits so we have a stand off between the banker puppets risking WWIII to secure the said land and Israel who struck a deal for the land.

None of the sides are happy and some of the so called politicians in the US not only risk having to work for a living if they go against the bankers but MOSSAD has blackmail material on some of these politicians that involves gay and child sex crimes, their heads are on the blocks.

Israel also knows that the land grab might well result in nuclear devices being used to test the impenetrable Iron Dome defense system so I suspect we will have a stand off and should be seeing a few flash crashes in the markets during the coming weeks.

If the flash crash is stopped then that’s a signal that the USA has struck a deal to risk WWIII with Russia, China, Iran , NK, Pakistan plus more but if not arrested then it’s a signal to evacuate Israel ASAP

Make no mistake, money, oil, water and land are all behind these wars"

Ramey comments:

This, of course, is talking about the looming WW III that is already in progress.  In 538 BC, there was a world ruling power named Babylon that had reigned virtually unchallenged for many years.  But in a matter of hours, it joined the ranks of "Nations that once were".  We are rapidly approaching another such event and it will be such as the world at large has no reference points for. 

The current world that has been ruled by Jesuits for many centuries is about to see a dramatic change.  And when I say "dramatic" change, I mean that Jesuits will be exterminated from the face of the earth.  The Vatican knows this event is coming and are bracing for the time in the timeline of prophecy, by one of their own, when the Catholic Church will "...cease to be". 

Their partners in crime, "...those who say they are Jews and are not but do lie" (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9), will also be exterminated and the land of Israel will be liberated from the Khazarian pirates.  It will become the base of operations for the incoming space invasion that is about to intervene in the affairs of men and liberate the earth from the cabal of pirates that have enslaved mankind. 

The current propaganda machine is not going to roll over and play dead at the time America and Israel are destroyed.  They will be putting out volumes of data allegedly showing (to those blinded by religion), that the newcomers in the Jerusalem area are the antichrist.

That propaganda is already ramping up. 

If the words of the prophets are a guide to what is coming, then it would appear that there is coming shortly a deception even more blatant than Christianity, Islam, the Image of the Beast, 911 and the war on terror. 

But it appears the insanity will continue until Damascus becomes a "...ruinous heap".  When it does, America's time as a nation is limited to hours.  If our congress was anything more than a conclave of eunuchs, this nonsense would have been ended years ago and our oval office occupant would have been court martialed and hung for treason.  Now, it would seem, he cares not who knows what his real agenda is.   His mission is virtually accomplished.  All that is needed now is the event to touch off the nuclear exchange and the Masonic/ Catholic dream of chaos will be realized.

It appears that the biggest surprises in the coming weeks and months will be to those of the various religious persuasions.  Some are awaiting the rapture, some are awaiting their private harem of 70 virgins and some don't know what they are waiting for. 

May your wait bring all you have dreamed of.

November 23, 2015

Putin Declares ISIS On “Brink Of Total Defeat”, Warns NATO War Has Been “Total Lie”

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A sobering report issued by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) states that in an address to Federation military commanders at the National Control Defense Center wartime government headquarters in Moscow earlier today, President Putin declared that Islamic State Forces (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) operating in the Levant War Zone are on the “brink of total defeat” and that the Western nations claims that they had been battling these modern day barbarians has now been exposed as a “total lie”.

 According to this report, Aerospace Forces, which in the past 48 hours have destroyed 472 terrorist targets, and in the past 5 days have obliterated 1,000 of their oil tankers, and when combined with the nearly 3,000 air and cruise missiles strikes conducted by Russian military and naval forces against these terrorists since 30 September, have reduced ISIS to having only 34 operating bases—a number confirmed by Iraq's al-Nakhil news agency.

Adding to the coming success in defeating Islamic State forces, this report continues, are the new airstrikes against these terrorists being launched from the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle under the control of Federation Aerospace Forces by order of President Putin after France broke with NATO and sided with Russia in this war.

Joining Russia and France too in battling ISIS, this report notes, is China, whose Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hong Lei, earlier today stated “Russia’s large-scale activities are an important integral part of the international counter-terror actions… China supports Russia’s efforts to combat terrorism”.

Not just in words either is China supporting Russia in the Levant either, this report says, but in military forces too as an estimated 3,000 Chinese marine forces are now operating in Syria under Federation military command—and which the United States has dispatched its USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier strike force against with its commander, Captain Ryan Scholl, warning:

ISIS is not the only challenge that awaits the flotilla, which includes the cruiser Anzio, Carrier Wing Air 7, and destroyers Bulkeley, Gravely and Gonzalez. Russian, Chinese and Iranian marines have established their presence in Syria, and Russian warships from the Black Sea have relocated to the eastern Mediterranean to protect fighter jets conducting airstrikes in support of Syria's Assad regime. In preparation, the strike group's Composite Training Unit Exercise focused on adversaries that more closely resembled those of the Cold War.”

To if the United States led NATO will intervene to protect their Islamic State allies against total defeat and risk World War III with Russia and China, this report warns, is the greatest unanswered question now facing the Federation—a question made more complicated by official Washington’s many false narratives about Russia and Syria that have gotten so tangled that they have become a danger to the struggle against Sunni jihadist terrorism and conceivably a threat to the future of the planet.

And to how complicated the United States propaganda narrative about this war has become, this report notes, was evidenced this past week when one American news programme, PBS, actually showed their viewers a false report about the US Air Force bombing ISIS targets in Syria, but used in its entirety Russian Aerospace Forces videos posted on the MoD website. 

To the “sick joke” perpetrated upon the peoples of the West about the war against the Islamic State, this report continues, was laid even more bare by President Putin when he told his commanders that evidence now proved that NATO member Turkey had supplied these terrorists with an estimated 100,000 fake passports enabling their travel to Europe and America.

Even worse, this report says, a former ISIS fighter told the American news magazine Newsweek that Turkey was allowing ISIS trucks from Raqqa to cross the border, through Turkey and then back across the border to attack Syrian Kurds in the city of Serekaniye in northern Syria in February and that ISIS militants would freely travel through Turkey in a convoy of trucks, and stop at safe houses along the way.

And with documents leaked in September 2014 showing that Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan had financed weapons shipments to ISIS through Turkey, and a clandestine plane from Germany delivered arms in the Etimesgut airport in Turkey and split into three containers, two of which were dispatched to ISIS, this report continues, the warning issued in December 2014 by Claudia Roth, deputy speaker of the German parliament, who expressed shock that NATO is allowing Turkey to harbour an ISIS camp in Istanbul and facilitate weapons transfers to Islamist militants through its borders tacitly support ISIS oil sales was ignored.

Also, this report notes, in his testimony before the US Senate Armed Services Committee in September 2014, General Martin Dempsey, then chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, when asked by Senator Lindsay Graham whether he knew of “any major Arab ally that embraces ISIL”? General Dempsey replied: “I know major Arab allies who fund them.”  US allies that include Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, and Kuwait in particular—all of whom, for the last four years at least, have funneled billions of dollars largely to ISIS.

The consistent transfers of CIA-Gulf-Turkish arms supplies to ISIS which have destroyed Syria and led to the rise of the Islamic State, this report further notes, has, also, been documented through analysis of weapons serial numbers by the UK-based Conflict Armament Research (CAR), whose database on the illicit weapons trade is funded by the EU and Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, and led, this past week, Professor David Graeber of London School of Economics stating the obvious:

Had Turkey placed the same kind of absolute blockade on Isis territories as they did on Kurdish-held parts of Syria… that blood-stained ‘caliphate’ would long since have collapsed — and arguably, the Paris attacks may never have happened. And if Turkey were to do the same today, Isis would probably collapse in a matter of months. Yet, has a single western leader called on Erdoğan to do this?”

And with Russia having long warned that Obama regime polices were aiding the Islamic State, this report says, new evidence is now emerging in the United States proving their military officials have been lying to their President, Congress and the American public about their fight against ISIS—and which this past week led the Pentagon’s Inspector General, who is in charge of the investigation, to seize a massive number of Central Command emails from US military computers, along with other documents, in an effort to uncover how deep this conspiracy goes.

While the US begins its charade to investigate this plot to plunge our world into total war, this report concludes, the truest facts behind this conspiracy remain untold to the West (and which we had reported on in our 14 November report Russia Warns Friday The 13th Paris Massacre Is Masonic Power Play For World War III), but which another “puzzle piece” is soon to be laid down when the secret archive that lists two million Freemason members is published for the world to begin to see how deep this plaque goes.

November 23, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.



I see the Jesuit disinformation specialists are now putting on the web as "alternative news", that America is the king of the south of Daniel 11.  This is not ignorance, this is deliberate "smoke" to mask what is really going on in the timeline of prophecy.  They know full well that America is the military arm of the Roman Empire because they had the oversight of the creation of America as the "Image of the (Roman) beast".  The Roman Empire was the northern kingdom of Daniel 11 and Libya, Egypt and Ethiopia were the southern kingdom.  These have now morphed into "kingdoms without borders" of Islam and Christianity.  These are the two legs of the Roman Empire which is still very much alive today.  Edward Gibbon's fairy tale of the "Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire", (published in 1776) was a smoke-screen to cover the Vatican involvement in the creation of America as the image of the Roman beast of Daniel 7. 

The move of U.S. troops into Syria will put us head to head with Iran, China and Russia and bring about the chaos dreamed about by the Vatican and Masons for centuries.  Ah, but it will bring so much more.  It will bring about the intervention from outer space that the prophets spoke of.  When Damascus becomes a "...ruinous heap", as it will, the earthquake of Revelation 6:12 will follow immediately and this will touch off the events of Isaiah 13, which is the destruction of America, and Isaiah 29, which is the destruction of Israel. 

Two hundred million Americans are about to die and another hundred million will be sold as slaves throughout the world.  This is the price we pay for idolatry and ignorance.  "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..."  (Hosea 4:6).

And the battle will be over before most Americans realize there is a war going on.  Revelation 18 says Babylon (America) will be destroyed in " hour".  It will not be occupied by the Chinese or any other nation but will be left a nuclear wilderness uninhabited and uninhabitable.  

Evidently Israel will be taken out with conventional weapons because it will be resettled as we can see in the chapters in Isaiah that follow chapter 29.  It will not be looted by those invaders who move in for the mop-up.  They will be destroyed before the looting can be done, as we can see in chapter 29.  It appears that NATO (the Assyrian) will also have a try at looting Israel and those troops who try will also meet their end there.  The wealth of Israel, amassed by the Khazarian pirates, will be reserved for those who resettle that land. 

It appears, (in those same chapters of Isaiah) that the rebuild of Jerusalem will begin immediately after it's destruction and will proceed beneath a canopy of fire that will make the iron dome look like stone age.  This will be installed by the liberators from outer space who will establish their base of operations there as they begin the dismantling of all of Satan's governments.  The religions of the world will convince the remaining rulers of those governments that this is the antichrist that has taken over Jerusalem and will urge them to mount an offensive against them.  This will take some time because most of the sophisticated weaponry will have been used up in WW III or buried/destroyed during the shaking of the heaven and earth already mentioned. 

It will take approximately three and one half years to amass an army of some 200 million to advance on the Jerusalem area (Rev 9:16).  It is at that time that those who have survived WW III will get a second chance to see a demonstration that the "God of love" is also a "God of wrath" and with zero tolerance for stupid.  That army will be scattered as vulture food between Jabal Al Lawz (the real Mt Sinai) and Jerusalem (180 miles), and also across the Valley of Jehoshaphat.  (See Isaiah 63:1-4 and Revelation 19). 

In a world raised on fairy tale religion and which has "...inherited lies from our fathers...", (see Jeremiah 16:19), this is not something that is easy to get one's arms around, but if you take an objective look at what the prophets have written for the time period we are living in, I think you can come up with no other conclusion. 

Also, if you take a look at Leviticus 26, you can see this was foreseen by Moses some 3500 years ago.

Is anyone else telling you these things?  Perhaps you should read Amos 3:7.   It might help you to put the clergy in proper perspective. The clergy is not made up of prophets but rather those who speak "...smooth things" --- those who are licensed and regulated by Satan's governments --- those with 501-C3 exemptions. 

And if you are reading the news letters of those who call themselves "Watchmen", you might want to read Isaiah 56:10-12 in order to put them in perspective.

Is there a prophet walking the earth today?  Yes --- in fact, there are two and only two mentioned during these end times which we are into as evidenced by the book of Daniel now being opened.  You can find them mentioned in the 11th chapter of the book of Revelation.  A brief look at that chapter should convince you that they are not members of the clergy. 

Do you know what the criteria is for a prophet?  Do they have to have a nice congregation pleasing smile?  Do they have to be a graduate of a prestigious religious seminary?  I only know of two criteria given by Christ for a prophet.  We find it in Matthew 13:57.  "A prophet is not without honor save in his own country and in his own house". 

Those two prophets of Revelation 11 are currently walking the earth but I daresay you won't find them on "Sunday morning laugh-in".



I just saw in the news this morning that a Russian jet has been shot down by Turkey!  Is the "proxy war" almost over?  Is Turkey about to become smoked earth?  Will Saudi Arabia quickly follow?  Then comes America and Israel.  The words of the prophets, concerning the times we are living in, appear grim indeed.  Several nations are about to cease to exist.  I have shown you in the pages of these Commentaries, for the past six years, that this is coming.  Now it's here!    Is a nuclear war simply too devastating to contemplate?  Is the book of Revelation also too devastating to contemplate? 

Keep in mind that those who rule our world saw the handwriting on the wall many years ago and began preparing underground bunkers to hide them from the wrath of the Creator.  It appears those bunkers in America alone are capable of holding 8-10 million top politicos.  It isn't at all certain that there will be this many that make it into those dungeons, but the fact that they have been built shows that those who rule are well aware that something BIG is in the offing.  My opinion is that some of those holes will provide protection while others serve as tombs. 

Few, it would seem, realize that the coming WW III is much more than a battle between NATO and Russ/China/NK and Iran.  It is a battle over the dominion of planet earth.  The current ruler is Satan and he has been in that position for millennia.  But now it has come time for him to be replaced and planet earth to be liberated from his minions.  The change of command ceremony is shown in Daniel 7:13-14.  The new ruler will be crowned and given all authority over planet earth.  Does this sound fairy taleish?  You had better hope it isn't because otherwise earth's destiny is total destruction.  This is the dream of Satan since the creation of mankind as his replacement.  It has not yet been communicated in clarity to his minions but is still his agenda as they will learn shortly. 

Are we really in the countdown of the final days of this age?  Will Dec 25 really usher in the NWO or is that a dream of the "elite" that is about to be shattered? 

Is it madness to say, at this time, that the NWO will not come to fruition when it appears to be a fait accompli?  The prophet Daniel assures me it will not happen!   To me, that means something bigger than what men have anticipated is about to happen between now and Dec 25 of this year!  Could that be WW III?  No!  Because men have anticipated WW III and planned for it.  So it has to be bigger than that.

And it is!  It is the intervention of the Elohim in the affairs of men to deliver mankind from the enslavement by Satan's minions.  It is the culmination of Satan's reign on planet earth and the beginning of a new era and a new World Ruler.  Can we catch the vision?  Can we see that the exodus from Babylon is imminent?  Can we believe it?

This exodus is to be witnessed by "...all the nations" as we can see in Isaiah 52:10.  And it will not be an exodus of millions, as was the exodus from Egypt, but will be a few who have cultivated, "...a love of truth" (see II Thes 2:10). 

Why would "...all the nations" be interested in a few non conformists making an exit from a super power?  What is it that garners the attention of nations?  Military skirmishes!  Could it be that Babylon will incur a sizeable military loss by trying to block this exodus which is escorted by the Creator and the Ancient of Days? 

Alex Jones, Dave Hodges and Steve Quayle have finally awakened, in the past year, to the fact that America is lost.  I have been trying to show you that for the past six years.  They are still reluctant to accept the extent of the loss but I have also shown you that in the pages of these Commentaries.  Now it would seem the federales are using a web tool to gather a name list of those who are reading these Commentaries on the "unalienable prophets" blog.  What this means perhaps, is that time is shorter than what we have imagined.  This work is very near completed for this segment.  The next segment will be a message to Americans (and other Israelites) in captivity.   

May your protection in these troubled times be according to your love of truth. 

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