Saturday, November 21, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




As Paris burns, Obama teeters on the edge of reality. As Paris burns, Obama worries about sea levels in the Seychelles. As Paris burns, Obama calls Friday’s attacks, ‘a setback.’

A setback, Mr. President? One-hundred and twenty-nine people are dead, 350 plus are wounded and you call it a setback. What happened in Paris is a declaration of war on all of us.

Only hours before the Paris attacks began, Obama told the press that “ISIS was contained.” Contained like what, nitro-glycerin?

President Obama is AWOL (absent without leave) and has abandoned his duties as President, his post as Commander in Chief, his chair as the leader of the free world.

He is nothing more than a delusional weakling who is sleep-walking through the White House, while ISIS murders its way across the planet.

Today, in Turkey, Obama got testy with reporters.  He can’t admit that his so-called strategy is no strategy.

“The equation has clearly changed. Isn’t it time for your strategy to change?” a French reporter asked.

“Well, keep in mind what we have been doing,” Obama said. “We have a military strategy that involves putting enormous pressure on ISIS through airstrikes, that has put assistance and training on the ground with Iraqi forces. We’re now working with Syrian forces as well to squeeze ISIS.”

Enormous pressure? Obama continued ticking off actions the US had taken.

“We’ve been coordinating internationally to reduce their financing capabilities, the oil that they’re trying to ship outside. We are taking strikes against high-value targets,” he said.

“As I said from the start, it’s going to take time. What’s been interesting in the aftermath of Paris, as I listen to those who suggest ‘something else needs to be done,’ typically the things they suggest need to be done are things we are already doing,” he said.

Jim Acosta, a CNN reporter, summed up what he termed the “frustration” of many Americans when he colorfully asked, “Why can’t we take out the bastards?”

Exactly… not only Americans, but millions of people across the world are thinking the same thing as Jim Acosta.

Obama should be saying one thing to ISIS, “Romeo Foxtrot, shall we dance…” Instead he’s calling for strategic patience. Good God.

Today, he said that ISIS doesn’t represent Islam. What do they represent, the Rotary Club? They’re not Baptists, Jews, Catholics, Episcopalians, Hindus or Buddhists. They’re radical Muslims and they’re murderers. More importantly, they’re our enemy. They’re the enemy of humanity.

The French have begun to conduct airstrikes against ISIS targets in Raqqa, which were provided by the US. The question is; why weren’t we hitting those targets? Answer: the daisies in the Obama White House are terrified of collateral damage. By trying to avoid any collateral damage to save a handful of lives, Obama has condemned millions of people to torture, rape, execution and refugee status.

Meanwhile, only 72 hours after the Paris attacks, the Great Community Organizer is pushing hard for the arrival of 100,000 Syrian refugees. These people cannot be vetted and there must certainly be members of ISIS posing as poor, downtrodden migrants waiting for Barry Obama to save them. I’m calling that plan Operation Imminent Cluster. Obama is endangering all of us by this reckless foolishness.

We are in a clash of civilizations where there is no substitute for victory. Europe is waiting for America to lead, to invoke the age old motto of the Infantry, “follow me.” The free world is facing its greatest threat to its existence since World War II and the leader of the free world is asleep at the wheel.

President Obama’s lack of leadership, President Obama’s naivete, President Obama’s unwillingness to fight evil is putting us all in jeopardy. President Obama is not only imperiling his own country, but everyone on the planet who believes in the cause of freedom.

Obama is Ike Clanton at the OK Corral. He’s in the fight, but refuses to draw and is scurrying for cover, as the world burns around him.

Obama is Neville Chamberlain, believing that if he closes his eyes the bad guys will go away. They won’t. They never do, unless you exterminate them.

Obama is Jimmy Carter without the humanity and Bill Clinton without the soul.

Obama is a disaster and it’s becoming more and more apparent every day.

How many more innocent people will die while Obama sleeps? How many more attacks will occur while Obama sleeps? How many more people will ISIS recruit and torture and rape while Obama sleeps?

The President of the United States is AWOL. ISIS knows it and will continue to exploit this weakness to the best of their advantage.

I believe firmly that President Obama should resign immediately. In May of 1940, as the Nazis overran Western Europe and the British suffered a series of military disasters, Leo Amery, a Member of Parliament, stood up and said to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, “You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”

Enter Winston Churchill. Where is America’s Churchill in this dark hour?

Ramey comments:

I received the above article with no author's name and it seems important enough to pass on.

Sorry America --- you have no Winston Churchill.  Donald Trump is not America's savior.  Nor is Hillary Clinton.  If you wish to see the fate of the U.S., you can find it in the little book of Habakkuk, in Isaiah 13 and in Jeremiah 50-51. 

Some Americans will survive.  You can get a clue as to the number in Ezekiel 5.  A much smaller number will be afforded an exodus out of America before the "American holocaust".  You can read about these in Isaiah 52:10-12.  That is not the "rapture" and they will not be taken to the heaven where the Eternal's throne is, they will be taken through the heavens (where the birds fly) to Jerusalem in order to assist in the rebuild of Jerusalem (which will be destroyed), and to take part in the rebuild of planet earth. 

Earth is going to survive despite the efforts of politicians to destroy it.  Many (if not most) of the world's nuclear devices will be rendered inoperable by the shaking of heaven and earth previously mentioned.  This is why the warfare in the time of the end will result in a river of blood some 180 miles long (Rev 14:20).  This is the blood spilled in the battle described in Isaiah 63:1-4.  (Nukes vaporize blood.)

We don't get this information from CNN nor do we get it from the pulpits of America's Baal worshiping religions.  If you are reading this, consider yourself among a select inner circle of those given access to the truth.  We can see in Isaiah 28, to whom the Eternal will "...give knowledge and cause to understand doctrine".  It isn't the masses as we can see in verse 13. 

This world of Satan's dominion is rapidly drawing to a close.  The coronation ceremony inducting the new ruler of planet earth can be found in Daniel 7:13-14.  From that point the earth will begin to heal and the destruction of those "...who destroy the earth", will become a reality. 

Are we to fear these days?   Fear is a natural reaction to the unknown --- this is why we are given to understand that, " people are destroyed for lack of knowledge".  (Hosea 4:6)  We are given to understand what is coming and the approximate time.   Is it somewhat scary?  Absolutely! We don't get reliable information from the media, from the pulpits or from our educational institutions.  We have to rely on the prophets and the promises we are given in Psalms 37 and 91. Can we stake our lives on these?  If you haven't proven that by now, you have homework to do.  

The balance of power has shifted to the east and America is no longer the "boss hog" in the world.  But we will not go out with a whimper.  No power bloc relinquishes power voluntarily.  What that means in terms we can understand is World War. 

As you can see in the little book of Habakkuk, America (Chaldea/ Babylon), has run roughshod over the nations with impunity for decades.  Now her time of judgment is on the threshold.  And it is going to be sudden as we can see in Isaiah 13. 

The outcome of the war will be decided in one hour just as the outcome of the conquest of ancient Babylon was decided in one evening.   It appears it will be decided by the quake felt worldwide and coupled with a killer tsunami.  Then will come the invasion by the "...assembly of great nations" and Americans will be executed enmasse.  A third of Americans will survive and be sold throughout the world as slaves.  The evacuation will have to take place in haste because America will be a nuclear wasteland and without electrical power.  Hosea 5 suggests the evacuation will be accomplished in one month. 

It appears that a messenger will be sent to these captives to show them what has happened and why.  This messenger will also show them what their attitude is to be as captives in order to survive the captivity.  If they can receive and believe the message delivered, they will survive the captivity, which will only last three and one half years, and then be released to make their way to the mid east to inherit a parcel of the land promised Abraham.  It appears, (Rev 5) that Abraham will be there to welcome them.  

I feel it is of utmost importance to get this information out now  because this is the good news --- the gospel if you will --- of the kingdom that is to be established first in the Jerusalem area once that area is cleared of the Khazarian pirates.  Not that this news is going to change the world but it is to be published "... as a witness, then shall the end (of the age) come."   We are rapidly coming down to the wire on that event. 

The chief of the gang of traitors, that have sold America for personal gain, will not live long enough to retire in luxury and spend the billions of blood money he has accumulated.  His death will be concurrent with the death of Israel and America and will occur immediately following the fall of Damascus.  (Daniel 11:45/Isaiah 17:1-4).  Some of the others will live for a while in the underground bunkers before being brought out for judgment for crimes against humanity. (Isaiah 24:21-22). 


Many Americans are awakening to the fact that something is fundamentally wrong in America and yet, where do they turn to get a right perspective?  Sadly, the alternative media is simply pushing another brand of deception such as "Christianity is the answer".  "Jesus is coming soon".  "The rapture will take us Christians out of this mess before it all hits the fan".  Take a tip from one who has seen many sunsets --- it is all hitting the fan right now.  Ask any Syrian.  Ask any Paris resident.  And get ready for "ISIS" in America before Xmas.

In order to bring this into focus, let me give you a quote from a recent article on the refugee situation from All News Pipeline. 

"Is Donald Trump correct when he suggests we could be witnessing the biggest trojan horse in history and the assembling of a potential 200,000 man terrorist army in America? If Trump is right, why would Obama be enabling this unless he was working to bring down America? Are these the kinds of moves by Obama that would require the US military to intervene and remove him from office as was suggested by two former US Generals? Why are the mainstream media and Barack Obama continuing to say that Syrian refugees are no threat when Paris has already PROVEN otherwise? "

Since truth is so rare, we cannot assume that this is self evident.  We all have different "takes" on truth because of different backgrounds, different life's experiences and different mind conditioning by the media.  News folks are wringing their hands and agonizing over the question of why our oval office occupant does the things he does and refuses to do things that need done. I simply ask you to read the part of the above paragraph in bold print and consider that as a possibility. When/as/if you do --- then everything he does (or doesn't do) makes perfect sense. 

I told readers of these Commentaries the first year he was in office that he was put there to destroy America.  His actions and inactions since then have underscored and put in bold print my assessment of his position in history and prophecy.  Now, as we can see from the above paragraph, others are waking to that possibility even though they are reluctant to accept it as fact and even more reluctant to accept it as prophecy. 

America's sun has set!  We stand today at the threshold of a major, major earthquake and it is noted in Revelation 6:12.  This quake will be felt worldwide and will be the signal for the execution of Isaiah 13, Isaiah 29 and Jeremiah chapters 50-51.  It is the beginning of the destruction of Satan's governments on planet earth. 

Folks in the inner circles of governments have seen this coming for decades and have built themselves some very plush dungeons from which they hope to escape the wrath of the Eternal.  It may prolong their lives for a period of time but they will " visited" and brought out of those D.U.M.B.s to face a tribunal and answer for crimes against humanity. (Isaiah 24:21-22).

And yes, this is connected to the incoming celestial visitor which is called Planet X (Nibiru, Nemesis).  There has been much dust thrown into the air concerning this event and many astrophysicists have died untimely deaths to keep the matter from the masses.  If this is new to you, then you have much catching up to do and little time to do it.  It would seem that our incoming visitor will be visible to the naked eye by the end of December of 2015.  Interesting but devastating weather will be coming in it's wake.  It appears that weather will be instrumental in destroying America and Israel.  Seems it is already taking a toll.

The pirates that have taken over America and Israel will soon be his-tory.  The world will soon be reorganized without politicians, lawyers, preachers, alphabet agencies and a medical association.  The pharmaceutical industry will be destroyed totally and agriculture and animal husbandry will be re invented.  But it isn't over until "...the fat lady sings".  That's Revelation 19. 

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