Saturday, November 14, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey





November 7, 2015

Russian Emissary Death In US Spurs Flight To Moscow Of Plane Shootdown Terrorists

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the Foreign Ministry was informed on 5 November by the Federation Embassy in Washington D.C. that they had been notified by the United States Bureau of Diplomatic Security (BDS) that a Russian national under their protection was found dead in his hotel room from what they believed was a heart attack.  

According to this report, the Russian national under the protection of the BDS was Mikhail Lesin who had been dispatched to the United States by President Putin to act as his personal liaison with top Obama regime intelligence officials in negotiating the “circumstances/ facts” surrounding the Islamic State’s downing of Flight 9268 over Egypt.

Mikhail Lesin (L) with President Putin (R)

In Mikhail Lesin’s last dispatch to Moscow before his death, this report continues, he described a “contentious/argumentative” meeting with Obama regime officials wherein they made threats against the Federation should Moscow attempt to bring back to Russia two captured American “contractors” from Yemen the SVR has “associated” with the Islamic State terrorists who shot down, and claimed responsibility for, Flight 9268. 

As we have previously reported (Islamic State Shootdown Of Russian Plane “Will Be Avenged” Vows Russia and Russian Plane Shootdown Now Labeled “Political Event” As Putin Orders Nuclear War Readiness), based upon satellite data, the SVR was nearly immediately able to ascertain that Flight 9268, which had departed Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt, was shot down by a British made Starburst surface-to-air missile after it had been “forced/deceived” to a lower altitude by false “communications/electronic” measures sent from Yemen.

The knowledge to the SVR of this secret base in Yemen “misdirecting/deceiving” flights entering into and departing Sharm el-Sheikh, this report notes, was first discovered in August when a British based Thomas Airways flight approaching this area with 189 persons on board was “electronically manipulated” and then fired upon by a surface-to-air missile—but which the pilot was able to evasively maneuver away from with this missile just missing his plane by 1,000 feet.

Based upon electronic intelligence, this report says, the SVR was able to determine that the missile fired against the Thomas Airways flight, and which destroyed Flight 9268, was an act of terror committed by the Islamic State terrorist group known as Ansar Bait al-Maqdis (aka Islamic State of the Sinai or Wilayat al Sinai) about whom US officials had warned “aren’t some run-of-the-mill jihadi crew but one of the most active and potent ISIS affiliates”.

Making this Islamic State terror group in the Sinai even more deadly, this report continues, has been the military and financial support it receives from Saudi Arabia, which includes the Starburst shoulder fired antiaircraft missile given to the Saudis by British company Thales Air Defence who provided these missiles to Saudi Arabia under a contract signed in 2007, and who openly operates in this kingdom.

Immediately after Flight 9268 was shot down by these Islamic State terrorists, this report says, a combined SVR-Spetsnaz (Special Forces) “team” operating in Yemen since the attempted shoot down of the Thomas Airways flight in August, was able to locate the base being used to “manipulate/deceive” flights over the Sinai and captured its two operators—who were identified by the SVR as being holders of American passports and claimed they were working for the United Nations, a claim that was denied by the United Nations. 

Upon the initial “interrogation/interview” of these two Americans in Yemen by SVR “experts”, this report says, President Putin dispatched Mikhail Lesin as his personal emissary to the United States due to the “cataclysmic” implications of the information received.

Mikhail Lesin, it should be noted, is a prominent Russian political figure and mass media expert credited with inspiring the creation of Russia Today (now RT) and had a longstanding personal friendship with President Putin.

When learning of Mikhail Lesin’s death, this report states, President Putin ordered all “negotiations” with the US suspended and further ordered the SVR to return to Federation territory the two captured Americans in Yemen—and which we detailed in our report Daring Raid Captures CIA “Assets” Who Downed Russian Plane In Egypt.

Upon these American’s further “interrogation/questioning” upon their reaching Moscow, this report continues, the SVR determined that they were employees of the private US mercenary company Academi, (Blackwater, and XE) and though holding US passports identified their country of origin as being Colombia.

Important to note about these two Blackwater/Academi/XE Colombian-Americans captured by the SVR in Yemen, this report says, are that these mercenaries of Blackwater are reported to have entered Yemen under the guise of the Colombian soldiers.

Recently, in fact, a Colombian-based media group reported that over the next few months, more than 800 Colombian military forces will enter Sana, Yemen, to support Saudi offensive strikes, and to support Saudi allies fighting in Yemen.

As to associating these two captured Blackwater/Academi/XE mercenaries with the CIA, this report concludes, awaits additional financial “examination/confirmation”—but which many SVR analysts believe is only a matter of time till proven true.

To most fully understand this report, indeed all of the other SVR reports dealing with Flight 9268, President Putin’s dispatching of his top media advisor, Mikhail Lesin, to the United States shows the proof that not only does Russia know this plane was shot down, but also the Obama and Cameron regimes know too.

What remains to be determined by Russia and West, however, is not only how best to manipulate the facts of this disaster, but the level of retaliation to be used—which if not measured and balanced, would most assuredly plunge our entire world into war.  

November 7, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFD.

October 26, 2015
Barack Obama is not seeking "legacy"

To the many gullible souls out there who truly think that Barack Obama is "legacy building" in his all-out assault on America, I implore you to bow out of the conversation because you are not seeing clearly.

The term legacy carries positive connotations of something bequeath- ed that is to the receiver's benefit. Everything that Barack Obama does is calculated to destroy America, which he despises. This man no more cares about legacy than he fears being properly prosecuted by the white political leaders whose responsibility it is to remove him from office.

I focus on white leaders, because whites are still in the majority and they fill the majority of political offices. If the majority of political operatives were of some other ethnicity, I would lodge my complaint against that group. Ethnicity is an issue only because Obama is half-black and he uses that fact to intimidate guilt-conflicted white people. Otherwise, he would have been impeached and likely in prison for treason by now.

Barack Obama's sole aim has been, since he first entered politics and continues as he winds down this presidency, the complete destruction of America as it was founded.

It is an insult to the intelligence of all Americans who must listen to elitist pundits on Fox news and elsewhere, and political drones in either party endeavor to make Obama's behavior fit a pattern of normalcy. Attributing his destructive policies to "legacy building" is either self-delusion on the part of the people who make that claim or cowardliness.

This is my take.

Obama's nuclear deal with Iran has nothing to do with legacy but rather to enable a Muslim nation to wage nuclear war with America and Israel – the two nations that he most despises. Does anyone wonder why Russians praise Vladimir Putin despite what the rest of the world might think of him? Putin cares about his country, that's why.

Obama despises the American military because traditionally it has been a mainstay of America's strength, and our strength infuriates him.

Imposition of a polluting homosexual, anti-Christian agenda upon the military ranks destroys unit cohesion and literally terrorizes male members with the prospect of sodomy rape. Such rapes have increased since the forcing of open homosexuality in the ranks, against the will of a majority of members I might add. Couple that with an infiltration of women, for whom all standards of strength must be reduced, and Obama attains his goal of emasculating and demoralizing the forces.

He could not care less about a legacy of making the forces more diverse. Besides, President Truman diversified the military as much as it should be when he integrated it. Obama's objective is its destruction.

Obama reopened relations with Cuba because Cuba is Communist. Legacy is not his concern here either, but rather to scuttle America's attempts to keep Communist influence out of the Americas. That Cuba has major issues with human rights does not matter. Like his Marxist African father before him, he despises the West and all that it represents.

Obama lawlessly declares open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens, because he wants to overrun America with third-world people who bring little more than dependency with them. This tactic not only does not ensure a legacy, but rather it guarantees the eventual conversion of America itself into third-world status, if it is allowed to continue.

Bill Clinton started the travesty of increasing the numbers of third-world immigrants at the expense of culturally more suited immigrants from European and European-influenced nations, but Obama has taken the trend to lawless, destructive extremes. He is fully aware that many of these invaders have no intention of assimilating.

It is only the outcry of a majority of Americans that holds back this hateful invasion scheme, and Donald Trump's entry onto the political scene to oppose that scheme is a saving grace for our nation.

These are but a few instances of behavior that display the loathsome character of Barack Hussein Obama. And he is allowed to roam freely through the American landscape poisoning and polluting as he goes, sure in the realization that no one will stop him because he is "black."

The day that we no longer have to hear the prattle about his "legacy building" will not be soon enough for me.

Many, many Americans are thoroughly fed up with Barack Obama and the spineless crop of political leaders who ignore his criminality. It is yet unknown whether Republicans will ever garner the backbone to become a true opposition party and hold him accountable. Promising signs are the House conservatives' getting rid of establishment types John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker and Speaker hopeful, respectively, and Donald Trump's entry into the 2016 presidential race with enough money and testicular fortitude to tell the Establishment and the Left where to shove it.

Should these positive trends not continue and the 2016 election cycle yield no movement to counter all the harm that Barack Obama has done to this nation, I think there will be massive disruption. Those folks in the National Rifle Association ads currently running on television seem very serious to me, and that is a good thing.

Ramey comments:

Who is Sylvia Thompson?  I have no clue.  Is she perhaps related to Linda Thompson, the agent provocateur in the Waco massacre?

She may have our oval office occupant pegged but is woefully short in many areas.

Donald Trump is not going to save America and Ben Carson would be the equivalent of another 4 years of BO.  Even if there should be another presidential election, (which is highly unlikely), what confidence do we have that America would vote for someone with solutions?  We have had a blitz of idiots --- all elected for two terms.

The heart of the matter is spiritual and it has been since America's inception.  We are a nation built on lies.  We are not a free nation and have never been at any time!  We are a creation of the Vatican with Jesuitic oversight.   They had to go underground because of world backlash to the inquisition.  Their navy (the "Invincible Armada"), was destroyed by weather and English Sea Dogs in 1588 and the creation of America as the "Image of the (Roman) beast" was in order to replace that navy with one that could police the world.  Is that what the U.S. Navy is attempting to do today as we move into the final inquisition promoted by the Vatican through the Vatican sponsored U.N. and their latest brain child, the New World Order?

Does the world see these things?  Of course not!  Revelation 12:9 says in no uncertain terms that Satan has "...deceived the whole world".  What forum did he use?  Religion.  Religion is a tool created by Satan for this deception "...of the whole world".  I continue to repeat this over and over again because the "...lies inherited from our fathers", (Jeremiah 16:19), have been repeated to us over and over again by all our educational institutions from kindergarten through your Phd if you have one.  "Columbus discovered America", the fat man comes down the chimney, a nation built by huddled masses yearning to breathe free, I pledge allegiance...."

If you have questions about America in prophecy, I invite you to turn to the little book of Habakkuk and read it in several different translations.  It leaves no question as to just who the nation is that is being described.  And it also shows that the setting is the time of the end.

Are we at that time now?  If you haven't answered this question in your mind already, it may be a bit late to begin research.

For those of you who are new to Commentary & Opinion, perhaps I should tell you that I showed our readers the oval office occupant's agenda (covered quite well by Ms Thompson), the first year he was in office.  I even showed where he will meet his end.  He won't be retiring in luxury in Indonesia and he won't be buried with honors.  But his project of the destruction of America and Israel will be completed.  It is written.


World War III has already begun and is evidenced by the explosions in China, the torpedoing of an American freighter and the downing of a Russian passenger plane.  What we see on the media news is the cover lies in an effort to stave of the nuclear exchange as long as possible and without waking the masses.  Would the clincher for ensuring the destruction of America be to foment a civil war at home at the time the war with Russia/China is just getting started?  Since the genie is already out of the bottle, we no longer have a need to pretend that our oval office occupant has America's best interests at heart.

Will the "first strike" be made by one of the contenders or will it be the "appointed time" announced by the Creator with the earthquake of Rev 6:12?  Will it be while a killer tsunami is advancing on our east coast that our oval office occupant will take to the skies " exterminate many" because he has received "...tidings from the east and north that trouble him"?  Are we seeing that these "tidings" are already "...troubling him"?

Vladimir Putin has exposed him as a total fraud to the whole world with his blitzkrieg against ISIS in Syria.  But he has virtually destroyed the U.S. and will continue until his mission is complete.  He was put in office by the Creator for that express purpose and the reason is because of American idolatry.

BO says America is no longer a Christian nation.  Did we hear any screams of protest from the pulpits of America?  If we did they must have been muted.  And what if we are (or were) a "Christian nation"? Is Christianity any nearer to Godliness than Islam?  Or do both equal idolatry?  If you do your homework in the writings of the prophets, you will find that Christianity and Islam are the legs, feet and toes of the dream image of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, in which he was shown by the Creator what was to transpire in "...the last days".  (See Daniel 2).  If you read the account, I think you will see that the feet do not grow together into a "New World Order" but continue to be divided right up to the time the kingdoms of this world are given to the saints of the Most High.  (See Daniel 7 --- the four strange "beasts" of this chapter are the same four world ruling empires represented by King Neb's dream image).

We can see in II Corinthians 4 that Satan is the '...god of this world" and will continue to be right up to the time the new ruler is crowned and inducted into office and we can see this ceremony in Daniel 7:13-14.

There will be an exodus from America (Babylon/Chaldea) before the hammer falls and it will be witnessed " the nations".  (See Isaiah 52:10-12).  This will not be an exodus comparable in numbers to the exodus from Egypt.  We can get a clue as to the numbers in Matthew 24:37.  What we have to understand is that it isn't just the Catholics, Baptists, Christian Scientists and Hari Krishnas that are deceived --- it's the "...whole world" as we can see in Revelation 12:9.  If you are not seeing any of this deception --- it's time to worry.

Your religious association, your political orientation and your lodge membership will not save your skin when the hammer falls on America as described in Jeremiah 50-51.  You can find in II Thes 2:10 what will spare your life and it says it's "...the love of truth".  If you get your "truth" from the media, then you have no love of truth.

America's moment of truth is almost upon us and we don't win this war.   It appears from the writings of the prophets that only one out of three Americans will survive this holocaust and they will be sold as slaves throughout the world.  That slavery will last three and one half years during which a messenger will be sent to these Israelite survivors to explain what has happened and why.  (Isaiah 24:5-6).  He will also show what their attitude is to be during this slavery if they hope to survive it and be allowed to make their way to the mid east to claim a parcel of the land promised Abraham once the new ruler of planet earth is inducted into office and reigning in Jerusalem.  He will be viewed as the antichrist by the world's religions.

The religious leaders of the world will persuade the remaining political leaders to mount an offensive against this "antichrist" in the Jerusalem area and an army of some 200 million will be amassed with the intent of taking Jerusalem by storm.  It is then that those rulers and this army will learn that these peace loving people living in the Jerusalem area have a warrior God who has zero tolerance for fools.  He will scatter the mangled bodies of this army, as vulture food, across 180 miles of desert stretching from Jabal Al Lawz (the real Mt Sinai) to Jerusalem.  (The route of the exodus from Egypt some 3500 years ago).

Then it will be a different world for people to live in peace according to law and with a real justice system.  The land promised Abraham will lie pretty much desolate at that time and will be reapportioned among Israelite (not just Jews) survivors of the world and the world will know peace for 1000 years.

May your protection in this holocaust, which has already started, be according to your " of truth".

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