Saturday, November 14, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




Have we ever pondered this method of teaching and wondered why it is the method used by the Elohim to teach those being called out of Babylon today?  Think of it this way.  While you were into your search for the one church teaching the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, had someone told you "There isn't one!", that would have been too much of an overload for your mental circuitry.  Perhaps it still is. 

But in these Commentaries, if you are a regular reader, you have learned something of the scope of the deception and corruption on planet earth --- political corruption, sale of children through religious organizations, the total corruption of the money system, the money mogul ownership of the entire mainstream media and the lies taught in our educational institutions.  You have also learned about the chem trails we see in our skies and the purpose of them.  You have learned about the poisons in our food and water and the purpose of them.  In other words, you have learned that "The Conspiracy" is not "theory" but hard, cold, facts. 

Hopefully you have learned that all roads of this conspiracy lead to Rome.  As owners of the corrupt money system, they pull the strings that motivate all the politicians of the world.  Those "strings" could be more aptly termed "chains" and with each link being forged from

You have learned that our situation today was foreseen millennia ago and communicated to the prophets who reduced it to writing and passed it down for our edification and education.  We can see by the prophet Habakkuk that ancient Babylon has a counter part in the "end time" and that power is described quite clearly.  We can see by the now opened book of Daniel, (plus a bit of historical research), that the legs, feet and toes of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream image (Dan 2), is with us today in the form of the two biggest religions in the world.

These make up the Roman Empire which rules the world today through the corrupted money system. 

This knowledge has come down to us "... precept upon precept ... line upon line ... here a little and there a little ..." because, as mentioned above, had it come to us in one lump sum, we could not have accepted it.  It would have overloaded our circuits. 

In order to comprehend the scope of the corruption and deception we live in today, I recommend the story of Royal Raymond Rife who cured 33 cases of cancer simultaneously with a simple and inexpensive treatment in 1933!  For this he was driven out of the country and died in Mexico while one of the biggest SCAMs on earth was being facilitated which is the American Cancer Society that poses as a friend of mankind and with government help is killing folks by the millions.  Does that sound like "opinionated judgment"?  Read the story and decide for yourself.  How about the gov't assisted murder of some 60 million unborns adjudicated as legal by the U.S. supreme court?  By their own admission, they "... can't tell exactly when life begins"!    Can we put it in writing here and now and show them unquestionably when life begins?  Leviticus 17:11  "For the life of the flesh is in the blood..."  If it bleeds, its a life.  Its repeated in verse 14 just so there is no room for misunderstanding. 

If you are cultivating a "... love of truth", then you are learning to think which we have been discouraged from doing.  You are learning to question the things the rest of the world takes for granted.  Your eyes are being opened to just how corrupt this world really is and you are coming to understand why total destruction is the only solution.

That may sound harsh and mean but we can see through history that it has played out multiple times.  Egypt was a classic example.  It was destroyed at the time the Israelites were taken out in an exodus and lay desolate as a nation for 40 years.  No caravans passed through and no one lived there.  Survivors were moved to Cyprus.  This cut Africa off from the rest of the world for 40 years.   

Then the nation of Israel, after living in idolatry for several centuries, was destroyed and those remaining in the area after the famine in the time of Elijah, were moved into Europe by the Assyrians and their name erased from history.  The little nation we call Israel today is not the descendents of Jacob but rather are descended from Noah's son Japheth, through his grandsons Ashkenaz and Togormah, sons of Gomer.  Much of this history has been kept from the world by the MSM conspiracy. 

Next came the nation of Judah, which became an independent nation at the time of the separation of the tribes of Israel right after King Solomon's death.  (About 587-586 BC --- See I & II Kings and I & II Chronicles).  This also was brought about by idolatry as we can see in Daniel 9.  The nation of Judah was destroyed with survivors being taken to Babylon as captives.  

Babylon, whose King Nebuchadnezzar, was the first empire in the four empires Daniel was shown would rule the world from that time until the time the kingdoms of this world would be given to the saints of the Most High. (See Daniel 7).  It met it''s demise about 538 BC at the hands of the Medo-Persian Empire under the leadership of Cyrus.

This empire ruled the world (See Ezra 1:2) for the next two centuries and met it's end evidently by tyranny in it's own military.  That kingdom, under the leadership of Alexander, was divided up four ways among four top generals of the Grecian Army.  These were shortly reduced to two which became the kings of the north and south kingdoms of Daniel 11.  Those territorial kingdoms, over many centuries, grew into kingdoms without borders known today as Christianity and Islam.  Those two kingdoms think they are in a contest today for world dominion, however, what they don't realize is that they are only the legs, feet and toes of the Roman Empire and not the head --- which is still Chaldean.

But this is the final empire (beast --- see Daniel 7) to rule the earth under the jurisdiction of Satan and we are seeing prophetic roadsigns everywhere.  It is the kingdoms of this empire that will be given to the saints of the Most High as we see in Daniel 7. 

Satan's world of religion has done their homework and through deception, has conditioned the world to believe that the coming invasion of planet earth is an attack of the antichrist.  That deception is ramping up now and will culminate in the nations cooperating in form-ing an army to fight these invaders.  This is the battle described in Revelation 19.    

This is not a battle of nukes.  The nukes will have already been ex-pended or neutralized in their silos by earthquakes and tsunamis.  This battle will be with conventional arms.  We see a river of blood some 180 miles long in Revelation 14:20 and Isaiah 63:1-4.  In a nuclear war, blood would be vaporized.  The weapons of the Elohim, however, are described in Zechariah 14.  Pretty awesome!

And the world will be purged of those who call themselves "the elite", bankers, lawyers, preachers and others who constitute the parasites of society. 

The world will be rebuilt around the reconstructed Jerusalem.  It will be destroyed at about the same time as America and we can see this in Isaiah 29.  The reconstruction beneath a canopy of fire is described in chapters 30-33.  Chapter 34 begins at the end of the tribulation when the Israelites in captivity, (Americans, Swedes, Finlanders, Swiss, Belgians, Dutch, some Germans, Australians, English, etc) are set free and allowed to make their way to the middle east to inherit a portion of the land promised Abraham. 

That land will be cleared and the "Greater Israel" project will yet be realized but hardly as the Israeli imposters of today envision. 

I know very well that this flies in the face of all we have learned through religion, our educational institutions, our gov't and the propaganda arm we call the media, but what they are spouting are the "... lies inherited by our fathers", spoken of in Jeremiah 16:19. 

It is high time we arouse from out idolatrous slumber and look at what is going on around us and compare it to what the prophets have fore-told for the days we are living in.  It will be a sobering experience to be sure --- but it just might steer us around years of pain coming our way in the next few weeks or months. 

America Waiting to Explode: “If Supply Lines Go Down… Millions of FDA-Approved Drug Addicts Go Psycho”

How bad can things get?

Preppers know the scenarios – any major crisis from economic breakdown, to civil unrest and riots, an EMP, natural disaster or plain out martial law can bring things to a halt with shocking quickness. And chaos is nearly always the end result.

But this article examines just how far America has fallen into desperation. The closer that the nation spirals towards disintegration, the worse things seem to get.

Between the extremely vulnerable economic system and looming financial crisis, the decline of American values and morality and the utter dependence of Americans upon centralized supply chains, the feds and corporations for everything, the United States population stands all-too-close to disaster. Sam Gerrans at RT says that America is a bomb waiting to explode:

The United States is in decline. While not all major shocks to the system will be devastating, when the right one comes along, the outcome may be dramatic.

We can see how fragile the U.S. is now by considering just four tendencies.

1. Destruction of farms and reliable food source

2. Weak economic system

3. Americans increasingly on mind-altering drugs

4. Morals in decline

According to Gerran’s numbers, less than 5 million people are in a position to feed themselves with the SHTF. With preppers and backyard homesteaders, that number is hopefully much higher, but in any case, it still leaves well over 95% of the population utterly dependent on the grocery store or the government – and the shelves will empty out of literally every store within hours if a real crisis hits.

The average American might have three days of food in their pantry – but that still puts collapse and disorder on a schedule of nearly immediate:

The average American is a long way from food when the shops are closed… The number of farms in the country has fallen by some 4 million from more than 6 million in 1935 to roughly 2 million in 2012… only about 2 percent of the US population live on farms.

And a real crisis may hit… the economy is in real trouble, the global system is fragile and waiting for a crash. The Federal Reserve is even acknowledging its own dangerous limitations, as the dollar faces the end of its lifespan.

Though we have been warned for years now, the death of the dollar will still bring unbelievable hardship upon the denizens of the once-great United States. With a swelling, rotting corrupt system propped up by its own excess and empire stands a nation dangerously close to collapsing from its own weight. Endless wars, waged in one way or another over oil, and the petrodollar system that has dominated the world since the U.S. went off the gold standard in 1971 have scraped things pretty thin.

Gerran writes:

The US currency came off the gold standard in 1933 and severed any link with gold in 1971. Since then, the currency has been essentially linked to oil, the value of which has been protected and held together by wars.


Once people wake up and smell the Yuan, the Exodus out of the dollar will be unstoppable.

But will Americans ever snap out of it?

Not until it is too late, unfortunately. Hunger will drive people into the streets, and rioting and looting may take on deadly proportions.

Meanwhile, what happens when people go off their meds? For millions of people dependent upon prescription drugs and especially SSRIs, they could easily go psychotic, homicidal and suicidal. People will literally become unpredictable:

According to the Scientific American, use of antidepressants among the US population was up 400 percent in the late 2000s over the 1990s. Many of these drugs are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Pharmaceuticals are produced at centralized points by companies which themselves rely on extended logistics systems both to produce and to deliver their output. If the logistics system fails, there’s no more supply.


In the past, people were in rural communities. They could grow food. They had real communities. They also had self-control and a conception of morality.

Today, if the supply lines go down, you are stuck in a house you can’t heat surrounded by millions of FDA-approved drug addicts who are going psycho because they have run out of juice and people who would murder their own grandmother to get a cut-price iPhone.

In other words, lack of food will not be the only thing driving people mad. Some people will become down right criminally insane if they are forced into withdrawal from their medication and could be capable of literally anything. On top of that, there are diabetics, vulnerable elderly people and many others who would die or become very sick without their normal regiment.

Society is already at a point where people are willing to riot over sales on Black Friday, or highly engineered consumer and celebrity happenings. The masses today are routinely herded from one sensational event to another, and will just as quickly stampede when the circumstances call for it. It’s not that things in the past were ideal, but today they are just dysfunctional.

Though it is sad to note, the republic has fallen sometime ago. The last vestiges of what America stood for are being destroyed, and the country as a whole stands dangerously close to all out disaster.

What kind of crisis will it take, and will you be ready when it comes?

Ramey comments:

I include this in the C & O, not to incite fear, but rather as a call to reality.  What the author is saying is the brutal truth and it is the "... love of truth" that will bring us through these times.  (II Thes 2:10).
Our political and religious associations will not do that. 

If you need assurance that this author is speaking the truth, then take a look at drug sales (both legal and illegal), across the U.S.  Look also at the multiple avenues our own gov't is exploiting to appease the Vatican by meeting our quota of a 90% population reduction, and see if you can come up with a more acceptable projection. 

Time Travel is Not Just A Possibility it Has Already Been Achieved

Thursday, October 22, 2015 20:04

I was having a coffee in a local cafe yesterday and browsing the internet on my laptop, as I have done many times before and I got chatting to the person sitting on the settee opposite. It became apparent very quickly that he was not local as he had no real knowledge of the area and I told him I was intrigued by his strange accent and some of the words that he was using; words that I had never come across before. As well as his strange way of talking, I noticed his clothing was made of a dull, multicolored material that I had not encountered before and in a style that was certainly not traditional in any sense. I went on to ask him where he was from and he promptly replied ‘the future’, without any sense of irony. Under normal circumstances I would have just made light of his reply and laughed, but in this instance for some reason I actually felt he was being totally straight and (in his own mind anyway) was telling the truth, so as I did not want to offend him in any way, I went along with it.

I then asked him if he was from the future, how did he end up in our time and how did he get here. He then told me (again with a completely straight face) that he had been sent back to witness the events that were going to almost destroy our current civilization and take this information back with him when he eventually returned to his own timeline. He also said that it was extremely important to make sure that certain historic events actually took place, as happened. He then asked me if I was willing to help him to disclose some of what he knew and distribute it on the internet. He explained that it was important to inform certain people of the coming events, as this helped put in place the markers that would eventually save some of mankind from the upcoming catastrophic events.

I also asked why he wanted me to help him and not just upload it himself and he went on to explain that he could not personally get involved, so therefore had to use reliable third parties that had been flagged up before he left his time line. He then went on to explain that his direct interference in any historic events that were already mapped out, could cause a possible time slip event. At this point he became very serious, he then told me that our meeting was not by chance and that it was important that I seriously considered what I had just been told, before answering.

So with this I agreed, although I was still  just humouring him at this point and explained that I had an account on a site that I considered to be a good starting point, if that was ok and he agreed.

This is a synopsis of what he went on to say which he asked me to type out as we spoke and then publish when convenient……

Ok where do I start……I am going to release some information to you at this time regarding the subject of time travel. Although I will only disclose a small portion of what I know at this stage.

The main issue that needs to be addressed here before I go any further, is to clarify one very important point regarding your current knowledge of the universe and the world around you. I can confirm that the life that you think that you know so well, is not anything like the reality you perceive. Let me just say that almost everything that you think you know is wrong, because you have been deliberately misinformed by those that have the correct knowledge and choose to use cosintry information – sorry I think you would use the word misleading, to deceive you for personal gain. On a separate note, these individuals will find out very shortly that the punishment for such crimes, is very severe and prolonged in the future world they will inhabit, if they survive that is and so may wish to address this behavior whilst they are still able to do so.

Anyway, let me now explain the main principle behind time travel and a give you a little information regarding the future technology that will eventually make it possible. It may not surprise you that what you know as the Large Hadron Collider is the key to this, but as yet the current scientists involved in the project are missing the blindingly obvious and will only eventually happen across the possibility of time travel, purely by accident. This must remain the case.

This technology is now very advanced in my time line and I will go into a little more detail at a later date, but the principle is simple. Once access has been gained to a parallel time line that runs almost exactly in line with this one, the opportunity arises for time travel. Now this is where the problems start, as it is only possible to cross over from one time to the next when both lines can be stopped and synchronized. This stoppage only needs to occur for a fraction of a second, so will not be noticed by either side of the line, but the real problem is that the reversal was more difficult to achieve in the early trials and led to problems for the operatives regarding re-entry back into their original timeline. This has been ironed out and pretty much eradicated in my time, but in the early years this led to many deaths and time slips, sorry I will maybe go into this in more detail on another occasion, as I will need more time than I have now. Lets just say that it is absolutely imperative that I make sure that the final piece of the jigsaw is made available to the scientist, when the time is right, so not only can I can get back safely and in one piece, the technology will be stable enough to help save some of the people chosen to exit this timeline and enter ours.

So the main issue for me at present is that I cannot return to my timeline until the technology has been perfected, which will be in your year 2030. Until then I must be careful not to interfere directly with the process as this could cause a time slip disaster, so I have to remain here in your time line and keep a low profile. The only problem is that some significant events take place in the very near future that will have a devastating effect on the human race which could compromise my position and will change the whole make-up of the worlds population forever. In short be prepared for a cycle of events that will wipe out 90% of the worlds current population, although the ‘chosen ones’ will be given passage into our safe timeline and continue their lives unaffected by this event, most are not going to be that lucky and will perish. The current history we have on record is selented: sorry I think you would maybe say incomplete, so I am also here to record the events and help fill in the gaps. This is extremely important as we need to fully understand the issues that led up to 2030, so that we can avoid any possibility of a future recurrence.

I just have time to give you some basic information from my time before I have to leave, and I can tell you that I traveled back from the year that you would now call 2127, but we use a different way of calculating dates and it is known as time switch, so the year if you like when I actually traveled back was TS:097. The current population when I left was around 500,000,000 and is maintained at that level through the use of a very selective and strict reproductive selection process that balances perfect births with deaths, this is made possible because of what you would describe as genetic selection. People chosen have a perfect, uninterrupted life cycle of exactly 60 years then their life systems are concluded, so everyone leads a healthy productive life and then will be ‘centered’ to make way for a ‘new comencer’. This system works well as people are happy to be guaranteed a completely healthy life and know that it will end on a pre arranged date and in a painless and dignified way, after residing with others at a purpose built facility for the last 12 months of their allotted time.

At this point he stopped talking and became nervous when an alarm went off and he retrieved an object from his pocket, which was the size and shape of a small mobile phone, but had no visible screen or recognizable markings on the casing. He then swiped his finger across the top and seemed to completely freeze for a few seconds, then suddenly turned and told me had had to go, but said that he would contact me shortly as he was keen to give me further information to upload. I asked him how he was going to contact me as he did not have my details, he just smiled and as he was going out of the door my mobile buzzed for a new incoming text which said ‘I will contact you later’: SENT FROM UNKNOWN. The text message then deleted itself after about 5 seconds and I cannot find any reference to it at all. I went to the door at this point and looked outside, but even though the street was pretty empty I could see no sign of him, which seemed very strange. I sat back down and contemplated what had just happened and to be honest, I must have been in a total state of shock, because when I finally composed myself enough and went to leave, I looked at my watch and only 15 minutes had passed since I first arrived, but I must of been there for at least an hour. I also kicked myself because now I had loads of questions in my head that I wanted to ask him and I should have at least found out his name.

I was watching the TV this evening when I received another text that read ‘hi friend please meet me at the same venue 11am Monday: AGAIN SENT FROM UNKNOWN AND SELF DELETING. Although I am of course still skeptical and not entirely convinced that this is not a complex hoax, I thought that I would at least publish this now and pursue this until it’s conclusion, because strange though it may seem, it could actually be genuine. Anyway, if it turns out to be real then it sounds like we are in for a very uncertain and frightening future, so I would certainly like to find out more.

I will post an update here with any new information after our next meeting if it takes place, even if it turns out to be a complete scam.

Ramey comment:

I didn't see an author's name but it would have been quite appropriate to have stated at the beginning of the article: "Written by a Jesuit for the purpose of promoting the NWO."

As evidence of this, I refer you to 1), the references to "...90% population reduction,"  2), the "...500,000,000 sustained population" of the new world and 3), the "...year 2130" mentioned by the "...time traveler".

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