Saturday, November 21, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


November 19, 2015

'We're At The Midnight Hour' - 'The Wheels Are Coming Off The Bus And The Danger Level Is Increasing Dramatically'

Rick Wiles TruNews Roundtable With Steve Quayle

Rick Wiles from TruNews is back in studio today and immediately tells us he feels like 'the wheels are coming off the bus' while soon after we're told 'the danger level is increasing dramatically' as he and his team break down Thursday's early events. With all that is going on in the world, the conversation quickly turns to Syrian refugees and 'open source terrorism' which has come to American shores as Barack Obama fails his call to duty to the American people.

Rick talks about the fall of Europe and George Soros' push for open borders while asking if the left has totally gone insane or are they so diabolical that they don't care that they're going to bring about the fall of Western civilization. Wiles points out several facts that might prove Barack Obama may be insane Wiles and crew also come to the conclusion previously reached by ANP, ISIS terrorists are here in America. As this Syrian national who has been in America for over 40 years recently told the NY Post, ISIS terrorists are not only here in America but they're most likely working together in sleeper cells just waiting to be activated, have likely been here for many years and many of them have been able to sneak into America posing as refugees from their war-torn countries. From the NY Post story.:

A leader of New York City’s Syrian community told The Post on Wednesday that ISIS terrorists have “absolutely” sneaked into America by posing as civil-war refugees — and joined sleeper cells just waiting to be activated.

“I believe the terrorists from Syria have been coming into the United States, not only in the past few years, but way before that,” said Aarafat “Ralph” Succar of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, home of the city’s largest enclave of Syrian immigrants. “I think they’re already at work.”

Steve Quayle joins Rick during the 2nd half of the video at the 29 minute 30 second mark and the conversation turns towards all of the events that we are now witnessing around the world and signs that show we've reached the midnight hour. Quayle tells us that what we're watching now is Islamic prophecy, which Barack Obama believes, playing out before our eyes and for the 'Mahdi' to come on to the scene, there 1st has to be a global war.

He then tells us that the only way that America could have gotten into this position to lose over the last 7 years was by destroying the military by cutting off the funding and replacing those loyal to America with those who aren't. He's also encouraging everybody to understand the lateness of the hour and to prepare ourselves for what's coming. He then brings up the alarming story from ENENews that tells us about the collapse of the entire Pacific Ocean salmon ecosystem, what is being called "the worst ever", "very frightening...pathetic...grave...disastrous...and non-existent salmon as Fukushima takes its deadly toll upon us.  

Quayle then tells us that we are not witnessing an 'immigration issue' at all but an 'invasion issue'; "this is the takeover and demise of our great country, this is the end of our borders, languages and cultures, this is the end of our heritage, this is the end of the words of the national anthem, this is the end of 'old glory' and the glory of this country was based on the glory of God."

We're then told that it will likely take a massive series of horrible events to get the attention of those who are still in denial and we are on the verge of horrific prophecy coming to pass.

Wiles tells us that many Christians are simply sleep-walking through dangerous times, completely unaware about what is really going on with their heads jammed in Facebook, and would likely sleep-walk straight into concentration camps once this all comes falling apart. Quayle tells us that what we're about to witness will be such a devastating event, people who'd previously worried about their pension or where they'd be retiring will have something much more important to worry about, their very survival.

Ramey comments:

As I told you in a previous Commentary, Alex Jones, Dave Hodges and Steve Quayle are now saying some of the things I have been saying for the past six years.  And as you can see from the above article, while Steve is saying "America is lost", he simply cannot bring himself to say "America is about to suffer the wrath of God because of idolatry".  You see, he (and all his ilk) feel obligated to support the "Christian myth". 

Christianity is idolatry the same as Islam!  These are the two legs of the Roman Empire, the fourth beast of Daniel 7. (See also Daniel 2).  America is a creation of the Vatican as the image of the (Roman) beast.  (See Rev 13). 

America does not win this war that has already started and the one third of Americans that survive will survive as slaves sold into all the world.  And that is not something on the horizon, it is now on the threshold! 

If all this is new to you, then what can I say?  Open another beer, switch the channel to a rerun of Gunsmoke and relax --- your gov't will take care of you --- soon.  The night is far spent and the dawn cometh. 

November 19, 2015

Russia Warns America Facing Thanksgiving “Bloodbath” Next Week

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A grim Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today warns that the United States is facing a “potential bloodbath” during next weeks Thanksgiving Holiday period at the hands of Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terrorists—the leaders of whom are now being actively searched for after they were secreted into America by a top US Army General fired by President Obama just hours before the Friday the 13th Paris Massacre. 

According to SVR intelligence analysts, and as we reported on in our report titled Only Jews Were Saved After France Ignores Russia-Israel Warning Of Paris Massacre, the Federation issued a 12 November warning bulletin to the French General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) that a terror attack was about to take place—a warning that was, shamefully, ignored.

Causing this extraordinary warning to be issued by the SVR to the DGSE, this report explains, was the tracking of movement and communications of Islamic State terrorists known to be planning attacks—4 of whom were secretly transported from Syria to the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey where they then boarded a US Army cargo flight bound for Joint Base Andrews located near Washington D.C.

Authorizing the transport of these Islamic State terrorists to America, this report continues, was US Army Lieutenant General Ron Lewis—who aside from being the top Pentagon aide to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, had also been the main liaison between the Pentagon and France last week for a massive terror exercise that took place the morning of the Friday the 13th Paris Massacre.

Hours before the beginning of this mass-shooter exercise in Paris the morning of 13 November, this report says it’s important to note, the 4 Islamic terrorist leaders who were secreted out of Syria to Washington D.C. were brought to the Pentagon to meet with General Lewis (who himself had just returned from Paris) immediately after which Defense Secretary Carter fired him, the man just a month ago he had praised by stating:  It’s my privilege, also, to work closely with some of the terrific soldiers, and I want to take a moment to recognize some of them who are right around me every day, starting with my senior military assistant, Lt. Gen. Ron Lewis. Time after time, whenever I’ve needed Ron’s counsel and vision, I’ve been able to count on him. Thanks, my friend.” 

As to the whereabouts of the 4 Islamic State terrorists General Lewis secreted into America immediately before his firing, this report says, it is not known at this time—but a secret internal US police bulletin for them has been issued, which was subsequently made public after this grave notice was leaked by “unnamed/unknown” sources to WTTG-TV reporter Emily Miller. 

The SVR, however, in their tracking of these 4 Islamic State terrorists since they last appeared on camera at the Pentagon metro station, this report continues, shows them traveling to the Boston, Massachusetts, region where, “coincidentally”, a US Army armory was reported to have been broken into where a substantial amount of weapons and explosives were stolen. 

Combined with these 4 Islamic State terror leaders now in the United States, this report further notes, continuing reports of Syrian terrorists entering into America continue to flood in—including the 8 Syrian terrorists captured on the Texas border and another 5 arrested in Honduras caught traveling to the US using stolen Greek passports.   

Not to the captured Islamic State terrorists entering into America is the SVR concerned about either, this report states, but rather it is those terrorists that haven’t been caught—such as the Islamic terrorists invading the US found residing in Kentucky last year after they entered into the United States via their refugee programme.

As to why the United States is preparing to attack itself again in yet another false flag “event”, this report says, was best articulated earlier today by Foreign Minister Lavrov who said: “NATO is now actively looking for an enemy, because it has once again started searching the purpose of its existence after the Afghan campaign failed.”

And not just looking for an enemy either, this report explains, but actually creating one as many world experts are wondering why the United States still hasn’t cut off the Islamic States funding sources—and which President Putin warned about this week in his noting that these terrorists are being funded by 40 nations, including those belonging to the G-20.

Not playing the United States “game” with these Islamic State terrorists though, this report continues, now includes China after these barbarians executed one of their citizens they had previously put up for sale.

With the Friday the 13th Paris Massacre, also, now being confirmed to have been Western led and directed, this report says, French President Hollande has now broken with the United States telling President Obama his nation won’t wait for America’s lead in fighting these Islamic State terrorists—a stance that was quickly welcomed by the Federation and causing President Putin to issue orders telling the Russian Navy to work with their French counterparts in conducting this war.

And now with the Federation, France and China devoted to waging total war against the Islamic State, this report grimly warns, all that remains is for the United States to suffer a crippling attack like Paris—which SVR analysts note could occur as soon as next week during that nations Thanksgiving holiday, which will, undoubtedly, plunge the Americans into further terror.

But to the greatest concern of the SVR, this report concludes, is that by the Islamic State expanding this war by acts of terror may seem like a self-destructive move—it is squarely in keeping with what these barbarians advertise as its overriding, apocalyptic mission: to lure the world’s unbelievers into Syria for a final, Armageddon-like battle.

November 19, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.



Christians may consider that a silly question and their answer would be, "Of course it has been --- that's what Christians have been doing for the past 2000 years".  What "gospel" have they preached?  We have seen the "gospel of grace", the "gospel of love" and the "gospel of Christ and Him crucified", but are those the "gospels" to be spread to the whole world before the end of the age?  Or could there be another gospel that they have neglected to mention?  Can we know?

Perhaps we should take a close look at that quote from the Messiah in Matthew 24:14 to see if it gives us specifics.  "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

The "...gospel of the kingdom"... is that what Christians have been preaching for the past two millennia?  That's the same message Christ brought to mankind on His tour of fleshly duty.  We can see this in Mark 1:14.  "Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus (Yahshua) came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God."

But what about the rapture, Christians being taken to heaven, Peter being the first pope and Columbus discovering America?  It tells us about these in Jeremiah 16:19.  "... our fathers have inherited lies..."

So what is this "...kingdom of God"?  It is the kingdom I have been telling you about, in the pages of these Commentaries, that is soon to be set up in the Jerusalem area and will be considered the kingdom of the antichrist by the world's religions.  That fable is already being ramped up. 

In Isaiah 29, you can see that the state of Israel is soon to be cleared of it's Khazarian pirates thus setting the stage for it to become the base of operations for the incoming Elohim.  Jerusalem will then become the capitol city for this coming kingdom of God. 

We can see in Daniel 7:13-14 the coronation ceremony for the new ruler of planet earth replacing Satan.  Many, (perhaps most) of those ruling under Satan's jurisdiction will be in their hidey-holes at that time but they will know full well when their umbilical cord of authority has been severed.  They will then begin to live in dread of the day they will be taken out of those dungeons to face judgment for crimes against humanity.  (See Isaiah 24:21-22).

The religions of this world will convince the remaining politicians that the new kingdom in the Jerusalem area is a threat to all kingdoms of the world (which it definitely will be) and persuade them to mount an offensive against them.  This they will do and amass an army of some 200 million (Rev 9:16) to advance on Jerusalem and the surrounding area that will be living at peace.  That's when they learn that the leader of that kingdom is a warrior par excellence and with weaponry not yet revealed to mankind.  (See Zechariah 14). 

The mangled bodies of those sent against Jerusalem will be scattered as vulture food across the trail of the exodus from Egypt (180 miles) and across the Valley of Jehoshaphat.  (See Isaiah 63:1-4 and Rev 19).

Are we beginning to see that, not only have our fathers inherited lies, but that those lies are being handed down through religion, gov't, the media and all of our educational institutions? 

This kingdom will be ushered in with WW III that has already begun.

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