Saturday, November 14, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Large Banks File Claim United States is Abandoned Country, Tried to Claim It

Thursday, November 12, 2015 2:51

So What Does All This Mean?

It means we have been defrauded by international banking cartels operating “governmental services corporations” as if these entities were our lawful government. It means that the Holy See and the British Monarch have acted in secretive Breach of Trust and Dishonor and have undermined our rightful government since 1845. It means that we have caught the rats red-handed, proved the facts, and demanded remedy.

FRANCISCUS, the dba name of the Pope, issued his Motu Proprio and made the members of the Bar Associations responsible for their errors and omissions. This effectively washed his hands of the criminality of the Bar Members and the continuing assaults upon us by the British Crown and ended their privateer licenses and other protections that had been extended to them in Breach of Trust.

So far, so good.

However, there has been no action to dismantle the mechanisms of the fraud that has been practiced against the living people. Every day, babies are born in hospitals and are “registered” as chattel belonging to privately owned and operated corporations masquerading as our government. These corporations patent and trademark our bodies and our names and create “citizens” for themselves that they ultimately control as slaves. This practice of “enslavement by proxy” is no less repugnant than physical enslavement and it has the same results.

They have accomplished this by obtaining undisclosed contracts under conditions of coercion and misrepresentation and by blatant fraud upon the probate courts and falsification of the civil records. They have had each one of us declared “legally dead”—- “Missing, presumed lost at sea”—and have seized upon our estates as presumed secondary beneficiaries. This legal chicanery has been assisted and expedited by a few evil politicians who literally conspired to sell their countrymen into slavery for profit.

They seize upon our property by presuming that it is “abandoned”. This is what has happened to every so-called “mortgage payment” you have ever made. It has been seized by the banks as abandoned property belonging to your own estate. They take title to our land, homes, businesses, and other private property and public property interests under color of law. They disguise installment leases as “land sales”. They disguise repurchase agreements as “loans”. They disguise “security notes” as “promissory notes”. And they steal us blind, taking their pay out of our treasury and otherwise using and abusing our own assets to do it.

Just as they have seized upon our private property via a process of fraud and deceit, they have attempted to seize upon our entire nation and claim that it is “abandoned property”.

To understand how this works you have to understand the first frauds committed against us, for it is in the beginning that we most clearly see the ends.

1. March 27, 1861, the actual elected Congress ceases to function.

2. Lincoln creates a corporation doing business as “The United States of America” and uses what is left of the Congress as a Board of Directors.

3. This “Corporate Congress” changes the meaning of the word “person” to mean “corporation” for their own private in-house corporate purposes. (37th Congress, Second Session, Chapter 49, Section 68).

4. The Corporate Congress changes the meaning of more words— according to them, the meaning of the words “state”, “State” and “United States” all magically mean ““the territories and the District of Columbia” (13 Stat. 223, 306, ch. 173, sec. 182, June 30, 1864.)

5. These “special definitions” adopted by “a” Congress operating a private, for-profit corporation doing business as “The United States of America” then secretly allowed the rats to “presume” that anyone who used the common meaning of these words and admitted to living in a “state” or the “United States” was submitting to be considered and treated as a “citizen” of the District of Columbia, instead. In their secretively altered lexicon, “United States Citizen = District of Columbia Citizen”

6. And as anyone reading The Constitution can see, this meant submitting to the rule of “Congress” which was given plenary control of the District of Columbia. Via the use of semantic deceit a small group of venal criminals “redefined” our Republic as a plenary oligarchy run by none other than themselves. They also endeavored to redefine all the freeborn Americans as slaves belonging to the District of Columbia. Never mind that the “Congress” engaging in this fraud and merely pretending to be the lawfully elected Congress had absolutely no public office and no delegated authority.

7. What happened with all this fraud by a hundred years later? The Congressional Record, June 13, 1967, pp. 15641-15646 – “A ‘citizen of the United States is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PCT, the private constructive, cestui que trust of US Inc. under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc. in Section 4.”

Now, put all this together in one big Ball of Wax, and what do you get?

The Bar Association Members employed by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation have been “presuming” that you are “civilly dead” because you have been falsely reported as “missing, presumed dead” on the records of their probate courts. While they have been busily and secretively “presuming” this, they have also been “presuming” that you died intestate (without a Will) and that the local District of Columbia Municipal Corporation franchise doing business as (for example) the STATE OF OKLAHOMA, is the beneficiary of all your property.

How’s that for a fraud racket? How’s that for conflict of interest?

But they didn’t stop there. They also presume that the still living man is a “co-trustee” and “co-beneficiary” of his own estate trust. How can that be? Obviously, he can’t be the trustee AND the beneficiary of his own estate at the same time, because the two roles are mutually exclusive.

So they send out a false summons to you as the “presumed” co-trustee of the JOHN QUINCY ADAMS estate trust, and you, ignorantly assuming that this is your name and that this mail is addressed to you, show up in answer to their “summons”—- and they trick you into playing the role of trustee, while they suck up the beneficiary slot and milk your estate.

That is what these demons in suits have been playing at all these years. They charge your estate millions of dollars for every “felony” charge they utter and nearly as much for every “misdemeanor”. Then for good measure, they throw you in jail and make the taxpayers pay a hundred times more than any real cost for the “service” of incarcerating you—-and profiting off your labor in “prison industries”. They bilk billions of dollars out of the public treasury and out of your private “abandoned” estates every year, while parading around the town as members of “elite” society.

No doubt the word “elite” has also been redefined by these maggots to mean “common criminal”.

There is no doubt now that this system is what it is, nor is there any doubt that it must end, but before we leave this subject, please note, that they haven’t been content with defrauding, press-ganging, enslaving, and taxing you under false pretenses, oh, no, they finally maxed out your credit cards which they stole along with your identity as a living breathing man.

So the Big Game has been afoot: do the same thing we did to each one of the people to the entire nation.

How do we do that?

November 7, 2007 the rats in Washington, DC running the “United States, Inc.” bankrupted it for the third and final time. They handed it over to the UN to act as bankruptcy trustee and nobody named a successor to The Constitution contract.

That left the “Federal” side of the Constitution contract flapping in the wind, and the United Nations Trust Committee — North America overseeing our National Trust assets, and no other entity named to provide the nineteen enumerated services that the British-controlled Federal United States is supposed to provide.


Last week, the infernal bastards filed a claim on abandonment against our entire nation, claiming that we no longer exist as a sovereign nation because we haven’t been heard from in 150 years. They further claimed that we are no longer a sovereign nation because we (allegedly) don’t have a national currency in circulation.

We had to file a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty and two new sets of Sovereign Letters Patent to rebut their unending “presumptions” before the UN Trust Committee- North America and the UN Security Council.

The fact is that we are sovereigns in joint tenancy; if we don’t attend to our business in a hundred years, it’s still our business. If we don’t call a Continental Convention in 200 years, that’s our business, too. And we are not obligated to have a national currency in circulation—even though we do.

It’s the same schtick they are trying to pull only on a much larger scale— claiming that our whole nation is effectively “missing, presumed lost” and that our estate is “abandoned” ready for the taking by secondary beneficiaries and creditors.

That’s what the banks and their buddies the lawyers and their flunkies the politicians you elected in good faith had planned for you.

That’s what Wells Fargo Bank—- which is not a bank—-it’s a “securities investment corporation” using the trademarked name “Wells Fargo Bank” to pretend that its a bank—has been trying to promote this past week. And no wonder. It is partially owned and operated by the “US Attorney General”.

And now, let’s make it Perfectly Clear—- General Dunsford, you are responsible for providing for the security of the American People. You receive your paycheck directly or indirectly from funds and credit obtained from us—even if it is now in the hands of pirates and brigands and those who have colluded with them as false trustees. These evil men and women would like to start a Civil War in America, because they make their money off of conflict.

In preparation for trying to incite an uprising among the peaceful American people these criminals have armed corporate subcontractors that are operating under names designed to make people assume they are lawful units of government—- BATF, FEMA, IRS, DHS, FBI, CIA, local “Sheriffs” who are nothing but shills working in private corporate offices, not Sheriffs occupying public offices on the land at all —- and have armed these private commercial mercenaries with billions of rounds of ammunition and tactical weapons. For what purpose?

So that the secondary creditors of a bankruptcy that we were never legitimately any part of —international banking cartels and foreign investors—can come in here and loot and pillage America with the assistance of commercial mercenaries bought and paid for with illegal taxes extorted from Americans by criminals pretending to be our lawful government.

This circumstance and the UN’s role in it is now well-known on a worldwide basis and is well-documented and proven beyond any reasonable doubt.

What are we going to do about it? For starters, we notified the UN Trustees that we are very much alive and in charge of our own affairs and that we have been victims of crime and misrepresentation. We are not “U.S. Citizens” of any kind according to their definitions—nor ours. We are Americans. We, and our property assets both public and private, have been entrapped in the private corporate bankruptcies of these bank owned and operated “governmental services corporations” without our knowledge or consent, and we object to any presumption that we are now or ever were civilly dead, incompetent, bankrupt, or otherwise dependent on these villainous fictitious entities.

That is a good and practical start.

Written by:  Judge Anna von Retiz
Submitted by:  Wynter Moon

Ramey comments:

So is this lady "Judge" going to save America by filing a complaint with the U.N.?  Are we that dumb? 

Those hooting at the prospect of America being destroyed totally are now being forced to take a second look.  Those preppers stocking guns and ammo to save the republic we never had came to the realization months back that this was fantasy, but they still tried to hold on to the "American dream".  Now, this too is fading and soon they will be forced to pull their heads out of the sand and run for their lives. 

America is destroyed!  And it has been done by politicians, bankers, lawyers, judges, and other assorted parasites.  It isn't coming back and it will not be resettled by China or any other people of planet earth.  It will be a nuclear wilderness without an inhabitant and uninhabitable.

And the reason for this is idolatry. 

November 12, 2015

Obama Murders Flight 9268 Plotters, Threatens Russia Olympic Ban If Truth Told

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

In what can only be described in Orwellian terms, a new Foreign Intelligence Report (SVR) circulating in the Kremlin today states that the Obama regime has relegated to “unperson” status three American mercenaries believed to be plotters in the shooting down of Flight 9268 over Egypt that became the worst aviation disaster in Russian history.

Even worse, this report continues, the Federation has been “strongly notified” by the Obama regime that if it doesn’t “cooperate” with the “official” Western storyline that Flight 9268 was brought down by a bomb, Russian athletes will be banned from participating in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.

As we have previously exhaustively detailed in our previous reports on this terrorist caused catastrophe (Islamic State Shootdown Of Russian Plane “Will Be Avenged” Vows Russia, Russian Plane Shootdown Now Labeled “Political Event” As Putin Orders Nuclear War Readiness, Daring Raid Captures CIA “Assets” Who Downed Russian Plane In Egypt and Russian Emissary Death In US Spurs Flight To Moscow Of Plane Shootdown Terrorists), the destruction of Flight 9268 has been conclusively linked by Russian intelligence services to an Islamic State terror cell financed by Saudi Arabia that was operating in the Sinai under “orders and procedures” dictated from a secret American base operating in Yemen.

The knowledge of this Islamic State-Saudi Arabia-United States “plot” to destroy Flight 9268, the SVR had previously reported, was first uncovered back in August when these terrorist forces attempted to down a British based Thomas Airways flight approaching this area with 189 persons on board that had been “electronically manipulated” and then fired upon by a surface-to-air missile—which the pilot was able to evasively maneuver away from with this missile just missing his plane by 1,000 feet.

Even though no Western intelligence agency bothered to inform either Russia, Egypt or the public about this attempted August shootdown of this Thomas Airways flight, the SVR had stated, Federation Aerospace Forces had detected from their satellite detection devices the “signature” of this missile being fired and its “communication/association” with Yemen.

Once the “communication/association” between the Islamic State terrorists operating in the Sinai and Yemen was established, the SVR had, also, previously reported, SVR intelligence analysts and Spetsnaz (Special Forces) personal were dispatched to Yemen in an effort to find the secret base from which this plot was being masterminded.

In the days just prior to the 31 October destruction of Flight 9268, this report continues, one of the American contractors under the surveillance of these SVR-Spetsnaz personal in Yemen was captured and after “questioning/interrogation” revealed strategic information, after which he was released.

On 31 October itself, this report grimly notes, and based upon the strategic information given by the American contractor, SVR-Spetsnaz personal in Yemen were able to “secure/penetrate” the secret American base directing the shootdown of Flight 9268 capturing two additional American contractors while another two escaped fleeing to Saudi Arabia and then to Jordan.

With the two American contractors captured by SVR-Spetsnaz personal being flown back to Moscow for further “examination”, this report says, the first American contractor that was captured and released has now been reported dead, along with the two American contractors who fled Yemen to Saudi Arabia and then to Jordan.

US media reports that the name of the American contractor first captured by SVR-Spetsnaz personal in Yemen was John Hamen, who was a former Communications Observer at the US Special Operations Command Air Force Base in Florida—and whom the US State Department states they don’t know the “cause/reason” for his death.

US media reports further state, this report says, that the names of the other two American contractors who fled Yemen before being captured by SVR-Spetsnaz personal were Lloyd Fields Jr. and Damon Creach—both of whom, likewise, were said by the Obama regime to have been killed in Jordan when fired upon by a Jordanian policeman. 

Critical to note about both Lloyd Fields Jr. and Damon Creach, this report continues, were that they were both mercenaries employed by the secretive private American intelligence company known as   DynCorp International that describes itself as being able to provide flight operations support, training and mentoring, international development, intelligence training and support, contingency operations, and security, and whose “flight/radar manipulation” equipment was captured at the Yemen base that brought down Flight 9268.

So thoroughly and completely has the Obama regime gone in turning these American mercenaries into “unpersons”, this report sadly notes, the families of two of them have had to resort to begging to bury them and feed their children—and as the GoFundMe pages for John Hamen and Damon Creach prove.
John Hamen and family

Damon Creach and family

As the Obama regime continues its massive cover-up of its complicity in the shooting down of Flight 9268, this report notes, the continuing “investigation/examination” of this catastrophe by SVR intelligence analysts appears to show that these murdered American contractors believed they were conducting an “exercise/test” while “provoking/deceiving” this Russian plane with 224 people on board to a lower altitude so that it could be destroyed by an Islamic State missile.

And in a confirmation of this fact, this report further states, the Obama regime this week, through its “intelligence channels”, has “highly suggested” that the Federation accept the “story/fabrication” of Flight 9268 being downed by a bomb, otherwise Russian athletes will be banned from participating in next years Olympic Games because of their alleged doping—a complete falsehood as the facts of Russian athlete drug testing proves it is now, and always has been, under the control of the Olympic organization itself and has nothing to do at all with the Federation.   

With the entire Obama regime Syria strategy being to overthrow the government to get a pipeline through to Europe from Saudi Arabia to compete with Russia and reduce its economy with regard to the natural gas it sells to Europe, and the United States and its allies cutting a deal with Islamic State terrorist “not to touch the civilian aircraft of the Western Coalition”, this report concludes, nothing shows the deceptive arrogance of this monstrous regime more than while at the same time forcing the families of its soldiers/mercenaries to beg for money to bury them, US Army combat helicopters were filmed this week providing air cover for a massive Islamic State convoy heading into Syria from Iraq.

November 12, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Ramey comment:

When you add to this report the Paris massacre of yesterday, it begins to delineate the scope of the project Mr Putin has set for himself. 

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