Saturday, November 14, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Russell Brand Calls The Queen By Her Family Name And The Media Goes Crazy! (swearing)

Friday, October 30, 2015 1:33

Russell Brand
The Royal Family

Earlier in the week Russell Brand made a post on his Facebook page saying this, ”I mean in England we have a Queen.   A Queen! We have to call her things like “Your Majesty” YOUR MAJESTY! Like she’s all majestic, like an eagle or a mountain.

She’s just a person. A little old lady in a shiny hat – that we paid for. Or “Your Highness”! What the f__k is that?! What, she’s high up, above us, at the top of a class pyramid on a shelf of money with her own face on it.

We should be calling her Mrs Windsor. In fact that’s not even her real name, they changed it in the war to distract us from the inconvenient fact that they were as German as the enemy that teenage boys were being encouraged, conscripted actually, to die fighting. Her actual name is

Mrs Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
“Mrs Saxe-Coburg-Gotha”!! No wonder they changed it. It’s the most German thing I’ve ever heard – she might’ve well as been called “Mrs Bratwurst-Kraut-Nazi”.


Since then he has unsurprisingly been the victim of a media backlash. This is nothing new to Russell Brand who is very outspoken with his views and he is someone we feature regularly on this website. For your viewing pleasure we have compiled all of his videos where he speaks out about ‘The Windsors’. Feel free to share it far and wide.

Oh and if you want to research the name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha a simple google search will bring you all the information you need to know.

Great Tribulation & Battle of Gog & Magog Begins: Last Blood Red Moon Eclipse 9/28 Points Directly to 11/11/15 & 12/6/15

Monday, November 2, 2015 12:05

by Ron Reese

Surely, one of the greatest SIGNS this year, of the start of the Tribulation and the Rapture. was the tetrad of blood red moon eclipses and also the solar eclipses.  The fact that, in the past, they have always pointed towards a MAJOR event, involving Israel, is a HUGE sign for us Watchers.  The fact that another tetrad like this one will not take place for hundreds of years into the future is an ominous WARNING SIGN.

Yet, in my last post, I stated that it was important, but not important enough to make my Top 11 Signs that are pointing DIRECTLY to 11/11/15.  The reason that I gave was that I could not tie this final blood red moon eclipse of this WARNING tetrad to the date of 11/11/15.  I now have to make a retraction of that statement.  It should, beyond any shadow of a doubt, be among the Top 11 Reasons.  I am not going to attempt to re-arrange my Top 11 Reasons to make room for it, but I am going to give this eclipse tetrad its very own post.

During the past few months, I have been writing about two extremely important Prophetic future dates that I have projected, due to numerous signs, clues, puzzle pieces, and markers, many of which are Biblical.  Finally, we have 2 dates where ALL of the puzzle pieces fit together perfectly.  These projected dates are:

1.  11/11/15, as the 1st Day of the Tribulation, and the probable date of the Sudden Destruction/Rapture.

2.  The Biblical (Haggai 2) date for the World War 3 Battle of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38–39).  This projected date is Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 6–7, 2015, the anniversary date of Pearl Harbor.

During the past two weeks, I have discovered that this FINAL blood red moon eclipse, of this historic and extremely Prophetic tetrad, is DIRECTLY HERALDING BOTH OF THESE TWO MONUMENTAL EVENTS, RIGHT TO THE DAY!!!!!!!  This is simply INCREDIBLE information that I have been allowed to discover in the past few days.  Are you ready for this?

The date of the last blood red moon eclipse of this extremely Prophetic tetrad was Day 1 of Feast of Tabernacles, Sept. 28th.  One year ago, another of these four blood red moon tetrads took place on this very same Jewish Feast Day.  The number of days between Sept. 28th and November 11th is 44 days.  Here is what W.E. Filmer, in his booklet “God Counts”, has for the Biblical meaning of the number 44–JUDGMENT OF THE WORLD.

Millions of people, including myself, gazed at that spectacular blood red moon on Sept. 28th, for several minutes.  It was also a SUPERMOON, the largest and brightest moon of the year.  Little did many people realize that this LAST blood red moon of this recent awesome WARNING tetrad was apparently a DIRECT sign ofGOD’S JUDGMENT UPON THE WORLD IN JUST 44 DAYS!!!  This is just more icing on the cake, POINTING US DIRECTLY TO ELEVEN ELEVEN OF 2015!

The other projected near-future date that I have arrived at, through many different sources, especially the Bible, is Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 6–7, 2015, for the Battle of Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38–39.  This is the Battle where God miraculously rescues His chosen nation of Israel from complete destruction, when the massive armies of Russia, Iran, and their allies, invade Israel.  It is THE DAY WHEN GOD RESTORES ISRAEL TO HIMSELF!

From the day of this very same blood red moon eclipse, of Sept. 27–28 (the eclipse actually started in the late night of Sept. 27th), to Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 6–7th of this year, the proposed date of Russia and Iran attacking Israel, is EXACTLY SEVENTY DAYS.  The number 70 in the Bible means ISRAEL AND HER RESTORATION!!!  Does this remind anybody of the 70 WEEKS (of years) OF DANIEL, OR THE 70 YEARS OF THE BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY???  In both of these Biblical examples, the end result is ISRAEL AND HER RESTORATION!!!

Lest anybody think that this monumental Battle of World War 3, which is projected to be 70 DAYS from this FINAL blood red moon eclipse, is not referring to the RESTORATION OF ISRAEL, I am now going to give you the link to my extremely revealing post, on the date of the Battle of Gog and Magog, of Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 6–7, 2015, and then I am going to copy and paste a portion of that post, so that ALL can see that this Prophesied monumental Battle of WW3 is indeed all about

Ezekiel 38:16–23 says, “And thou shall come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes…And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, THAT MY FURY SHALL COME UP IN MY FACE.  For in my jealousy and IN THE FIRE OF MY WRATH have I spoken, Surely IN THAT DAY THERE SHALL BE A GREAT SHAKING IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL … AND THE MOUNTAINS SHALL BE THROWN DOWN, AND THE STEEP PLACES SHALL FALL, AND EVERY WALL SHALL FALL TO THE GROUND…AND I WILL PLEAD AGAINST HIM (Gog) WITH PESTILENCE AND WITH BLOOD; AND I WILL RAIN UPON HIM AND UPON HIS BANDS, AND UPON THE MANY PEOPLE THAT ARE WITH HIM, AN OVERFLOWING RAIN, AND GREAT HAILSTONES, FIRE, AND BRIMSTONE.


In Chapter 39, we read, “I am against thee O Gog…Thou shall fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee:  I will give thee to the beasts of the field to be devoured.  And I shall send a fire (nuclear fire?) upon Magog, and among them who dwell carelessly in the isles (the U.S.?):  AND THEY SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD.  SO I WILL MAKE MY HOLY NAME KNOWN IN THE MIDST OF MY PEOPLE ISRAEL; AND I WILL NOT LET THEM POLLUTE MY HOLY NAME ANY MORE:  AND THE HEATHEN SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD, THE HOLY ONE IN ISRAEL.  BEHOLD IT IS COME, AND IT IS DONE, SAITH THE LORD GOD; THIS IS THE DAY WHEREOF I HAVE SPOKEN.”


WOW!!!  There should be NO doubt in the minds of anybody that the day of THE DAY OF THE BATTLE OF GOG AND MAGOG, spoken about in the above verses in Ezekiel 38–39, IS THE DAY OF ISRAEL’S RESTORATION TO GOD.

The fact that the projected Biblical date, of this incredible World War 3 Battle, is Hanukkah Eve of 2015, EXACTLY 70 DAYS from the FINAL blood red moon eclipse of this historic Prophetic tetrad, that will not take place again for hundreds of years, should be another final nail in the coffin, for this date in the very near future.  Mark it on you calendar, Dec. 6–7th of this year, so that those who miss the Rapture will be able to see the accuracy of these projected dates, and be able to WARN others about World War 3.

The 24th of Kislev is tied in directly to this Ezekiel 38–39 World War 3 Battle of Gog and Magog, through Haggai 2.  For the details, please click on the link above, where you will also discover why THIS YEAR OF 2015 should be the year that we have EVERY reason to expect this Battle of Gog and Magog to take place.  If you will google 24th of Kislev, or Hanukkah Eve, you will discover some amazing things (besides Haggai 2), as to why we should fully expect this to be the day of the year for this monumental Battle to take place.

For example, this was the day of the year, when, in 165 B.C., Israel recaptured Jerusalem, and cleansed and rededicated the Jewish Temple.  In other words, it was THE RESTORATION OF ISRAEL.

At the end of the Babylonian Captivity, on Hanukkah Eve, the 24th of Kislev, the tribe of Judah was restored to Israel.  In other words, THE RESTORATION OF ISRAEL.

On Dec. 19, 1917, on the 24th of Kislev once again, right after the historic Balfour Declaration, General Allenby, leading the British forces, liberated Jerusalem for the first time in centuries, from Turkish/Muslim rule.  In other words, Hanukkah Eve of 1917 was the beginning of THE RESTORATION OF ISRAEL.

Throughout their history, Israel has lived in fear of the day of the year of the 9th of Av, when great calamities have happened, including the destruction of both Temples.  At the other end of the spectrum is the Haggai 2 date, of the 24th of Kislev, Hanukkah Eve, when God has continually blessed and RESTORED the people and land of Israel.  Another example is the very first Hanukkah, when God miraculously allowed the oil for one day in their lamps, to last eight days, in helping save them from their enemy.

The FINAL important Hanukkah Eve date appears to be on Hanukkah Eve, in 2022.  We have projected Day of Atonement, Oct. 5, 2022, to be the FINAL day of the 2520-day Tribulation.  If we add the extra 75 days spoken of, in the Book of Daniel, to this date, we arrive at Dec. 19, 2022, the 24th of Kislev, ANOTHER HANUKKAH EVE DATE.  We have EVERY reason to expect this to be the 1st Day of the Millennium.  With this date historically being an important day for the Jewish Temples, it appears as if this should be the day that Jesus starts his Millennial Reign in His newly-constructed Temple.  Is Hanukkah Eve an important day of the year to God?  What do you think?  History, and the future, emphatically tells us that the answer is undoubtedly “YES”.

To top all of this off, there are two other extremely important Biblical clues, as to Hanukkah Eve, 2015, being the correct Biblical date for the Battle of Gog and Magog.  The first clue is that this Battle requires 7 years to burn the weapons, the same length as the Tribulation period.  I believe this will be approximately from Hanukkah Eve of 2015, to Hanukkah Eve of 2022.

The second clue (this is the short version) is that EXACTLY 120 YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE FIRST JEWISH CONGRESS, ON AUG. 29, 1897, IS HANUKKAH EVE, DEC. 6–7, 2015!!!  The Biblical meaning of 120 is a DIVINE PERIOD OF PROBATION.  So, on Hanukkah Eve, of THIS YEAR, the proposed date with MANY clues pointing DIRECTLY to it, Israel’s DIVINE PERIOD OF PROBATION should be OVER, just as we pointed out to you Scripturally in the paragraphs above.  It ALL fits like a perfect glove, fellow Christians.

So, the bottom line of this post, is that this all-important and Prophetic FINAL blood red moon eclipse, of the FINAL tetrad for hundreds of years, is POINTING DIRECTLY TO BOTH PROJECTED DATES OF 11/11/15 AND HANUKKAH EVE, THE 24TH OF KISLEV, DEC. 6–7, 2015.

Sept. 27–28, 2015, Day 1 of the Feast of Tabernacles, was the date of this amazing supermoon, and FINAL blood red moon eclipse.  The 44–Day gap from 1st Day of Tabernacles, to 11/11/15, means JUDGMENT UPON THE WORLD!!!  The 70–Day gap between 1st Day of Tabernacles, to Hanukkah Eve, Kislev 24, Dec. 6–7, 2015, means THE RESTORATION OF ISRAEL!!!  Both dates fit perfectly.  This Final eclipse is a WARNING OF GOD’S JUDGMENT UPON THE WORLD, AND THE RESTORATION OF ISRAEL, AND BOTH FIT PERFECTLY ON THESE PROJECTED DATES!!!!!!!

In the O.T., God tells us that the sun, moon, and stars are put in the heavens to be SIGNS.  More specifically, God WARNS us in Joel 2:31, when He says, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the MOON INTO BLOOD, BEFORE THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE DAY OF THE LORD COME.”  Will GOD’S JUDGMENT UPON THE WORLD come 44 days after the this FINAL eclipse, where the brightest and largest moon of the year, was turned into blood???  Will ISRAEL’S DAY OF RESTORATION come 70 days after the supermoon eclipse???  There are an abundance of SIGNS screaming to us, that we should expect the answers to be an emphatic ”Yes”.

Even so,come, Lord Jesus, as you are our only Hope!


Ron Reese

Ramey comments:

"There are none so blind as those who will not see".

And, in fact, I can agree with much of what Ron (and others) are saying.  The 44 days, the 70 days, the 120 years, etc, but then they lose it and launch off into myths like the "rapture".

Let's just suppose all these dates are smack on target and they are wrong about the rapture --- where does that put them?  We shall know for sure in another week, but 11/11/15 could be when the wrath of the Elohim is poured out and the time we see the destruction of Babylon and "Israel" as laid out in Isaiah 13 and 29.  And Gog and Magog most certainly will be involved in this battle but it will be for the deliverance of the land of Israel from the Rothschilds/Khazarian/Mafia and back to the true Israelites and not just Jews.  The only thing they are missing here is the time frame.  It does not happen immediately at this time but rather at the end of the tribulation which is three and one half years down the road and not seven.  That time will be spent clearing the land promised Abraham of squatters and at the end of the tribulation, the Israelites in captivity will be given leave to make their way to the mid east to inherit a parcel of the land promised to Abraham as we can see in Isaiah chapters14 and 35.

During this time, Jerusalem will be undergoing a reconstruction project after having been destroyed by the Elohim and invaders from Iran and Syria.  They will not be allowed to loot Israel but will themselves be destroyed.  It appears that NATO forces (the Assyrian) will also have a try at looting Israel and will also be destroyed.  That wealth is reserved for those resettling Israel.  I have shown you these things before in the pages of these Commentaries.

The Gog/Magog battle these self appointed "watchmen" are talking about (without understanding) is yet 1,000 years down the road as can be seen by reading Revelation chapter 20.  I called them self-appointed but it appears that the Creator calls them "His watchmen", and you can see what else he says about them in Isaiah 56:10-12.

There is no question that the world is on the verge of a major "reset".
And it appears the biggest surprised will be by those involved in religion, all of which is a creation of Satan for the deception of the "..... whole world".  (See Rev 12:9).


Did we watch in February 2011 as Daniel 11:42-43 were fulfilled?  Are we seeing the final desperate efforts to bring about the NWO which the book of Daniel says will not happen?  Are we understanding that America is the "Image of the beast" of Revelation 13, the Babylon identified by the prophet Habakkuk and the end time "Sodom and Gomorrah"? 

Do we see the "...assembly of great nations" forming up that are to invade and sack America (Babylon)?  In short, have we already been prepped for total destruction (Rev 18) because of idolatry and the lies America was founded upon?  Have we been "...weighed in the balance and found wanting"?  That will doubtless hit a dissonant chord with "America firsters" and those who consider America an exceptional nation --- and Christian.  My regular readers know that I have no qualms about sounding dissonant chords among those who have been raised on Jesuitic myths like "Columbus discovered America". I have tried for the past five years plus to show that we must cast off the chains of these myths if we are to escape the coming American holocaust.  (See II Thes 2:10).

I have shown that there is coming, in the very near future, an exodus from America that will be witnessed " the nations", and we can see the prophetic account in Isaiah 52:10-12.  Read it and then try to convince yourself this has already happened or is part of the "...prophecies that shall fail".  When understood, this single prophecy puts the lie to the entire Christian concept of the return of the Messiah.  Does that comment need to be explained?  Are you as the Bereans, able to "...receive with all readiness of mind"?

It is obvious from the context that this exodus is before the Elohim are manifest to the world.  The purpose is to take out of harm's way those the Elohim claim for themselves, before the destruction of Babylon.  Who are these?  Isaiah 52:6 should clarify this.  Incidentally, Jesus is a fictitious name just as the little nation of Israel is a fictitious nation.  Satan is a master counterfeiter.  The "...whole world" is deceived as it says in Revelation 12:9.  And yet, as noted above, those to be spared the American holocaust are those who are cultivating the "... love of truth" to the point of reshaping their lives.  If you are of those who worship at the throne of CNN, then you have no love of truth.

This world is in it's dying wiggle and it appears that the age end will not be next century nor next decade but is on the threshold even as I write this.  You have seen the prophetic signs in the past few Commentaries and they all appear to be valid.  The signs of the last generation before the return of the Messiah are recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 and all appear to be with us today.  The world situation seems to be screaming at us that the time is at hand.  The fact that the entire world is steeped in idolatry would seem to underscore the fact that we are living in the days the prophets called the "...end time".  End of the age and not the end of the world as religious suprstitionists would have us believe.

We can continue our sports mania, our addiction to soaps, movies and novels.  We can launch ourselves into civic affairs and we can continue to bury our heads in the sands of denial but we need to keep in mind the words of the Messiah in Matthew 24:37:  "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."  It goes on to say in verse 38:  "For as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark..."   This is describing the "curtain call" on America as a nation as we see in Isaiah 13.  It is no longer on the horizon --- it is now on the threshold!

If you are a part of the one in three Americans that survive the holocaust, then you will be sold as a slave to the world.  There will be a messenger sent to you in captivity to explain what you have gone through and what is yet ahead.  He will show you why America was destroyed and will also show what your attitude is to be in captivity.  If you can receive what he says, and come to understand the gravity of the crimes of America and renounce the ways that led to it's demise, you will survive the captivity and be allowed to go to the mid east (at the end of three and one half years) to inherit a parcel of the land promised Abraham.  At that time Jerusalem will have been rebuilt and will become the capitol of the world.  Nations will send their ambassadors there to learn how to live in a world that promotes peace.  The sayings of Zechariah 14 will have come to pass.

The things you have just read will make little sense at this time but will be much more meaningful when America is history.  That time will be here sooner than you dare imagine.  The die is cast --- we have a mad man at the helm, put there by the Creator Himself, (see Daniel 4:17).  World War III is only half a sneeze away and when that breaks, only the intervention of the Creator can save the world from "...utter destruction". 

You can bury your head in the sands of religion (which is the same as the sands of denial), or you can begin today cultivating a " of truth".  The choice is yours.

May your protection be according to your love of truth.  II Thes 2:10.

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