Thursday, July 6, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


JULY 4th, 2017


If this comes as a surprise to you, then you are not a regular reader of the Commentaries.  And in that case, I should warn you up front that these communiques are not written for those who cannot stand the truth. 

The truth is quite shocking to those indoctrinated into the American culture of religion, academic education, fake news media and governmental hypocrisy.

The prophet Habakkuk lays out the truth of an end time nation he calls Babylon, (because Americ, the jesuit for whom America was named), was not yet born.

The prophet John lays out yet another truth in the 13th chapter of the book of Revelation, of this image of the Roman beast and those who would presume to worship this image.  It was to be created by the group the Roman Empire bequeathed "all power" to, (see verse 12), while the true empire dropped out of sight for quite a long period of time. 

The short term purpose for this "Babylon" that was created was to replace the Vatican navy that was destroyed in 1588 and wrest control of the seas from England.  The long term goal was to create a military power that could subdue the earth for the Vatican created new world order.  The truth is out there if we can stand it and connect the dots.  The late F Tupper Saussy laid this out quite succinctly in his book, "Rulers of Evil" even though Saussy did not have the scriptural knowledge to connect the dots to Revelation 13. 

In the 12th chapter of the book of Daniel, we see that book was sealed at the time of writing and not to be unsealed until the time of the end.  The fact that book was unsealed in 2011, says we are well into the time of the end.  Despite the efforts of the rulers (jesuits) of the image of the beast, there are still enough histories extant to trace the four empires of Daniel 2 right down to our day and even identify the two legs as Christianity and Islam.  This fourth empire is the same as the fourth beast of Daniel 7 that would rule the planet even though divided as we find it today. 

Those two factions are at war today and Islam thinks this war is for their god Allah and dominion of the earth.  Christians have not yet awakened to the fact that they are at war --- much less awakened as to what the war is about.  What neither faction has realized is that this war was fomented by their global Luciferian bosses for the purpose of mutual destruction.  Albert Pike laid this out quite clearly years ago in a letter to Mazzini.  The bottom line is that this is Satan's (Lucifer's) last ditch effort to destroy the planet.  It will come close enough to shred any lingering illusions, by any man/woman alive, that mankind has the capacity for self rule. 

If the prophets haven't spoken in vain, then it would appear we are in --- or very near --- the final year of Satan's rule of planet earth.  You can see the replacement ceremony in Daniel 7:13-14. 

It appears that the first battle for the dominion of the planet will be the destruction of America and Israel, the leaders in the idolatry on our planet.  You can get some of the details of these battles in Isaiah 13 and 29.  You can also see that the enemies of both these nations will have the assistance of the incoming celestial visitors. 

For those who would argue that, given some time, mankind could get on top of all the problems he has created on the planet, I would remind you that the Pacific Ocean is dead because of the folly of those ruling today.  I would remind you also of the chem trails across our skies and ask you to explain the purpose of those.  I would also remind you of the U.S. governmental approval of the poisoning of our food and water.

Shall we look also at the lavish dungeons the top politicos have prepared for themselves?  Pray tell, when do these imbeciles plan to begin the recovery? 

Can you even begin to see the solution?  It lies in the total destruction of every institution ever created by men under the jurisdiction of Satan.  That is the unvarnished truth and that destruction has already begun.  It will accelerate greatly in the coming weeks.  Watch for the exodus of a few --- when you see it on network news --- you will know you have been "Left behind".

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