Monday, July 31, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


July 26, 2017

Russia-EU Unite Against America As Trump Becomes Prisoner Of Mass Hysteria

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An truly grim Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that both Federation and European Union diplomats are furiously working to prevent the greatest transatlantic crisis since before World War II as the mass hysteria” that has overtaken America, and left President Donald Trump a virtual prisoner in his own White House, means that he is unable to stop a new US law that is, in fact, a declaration of war against Russia.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] 

According to this report (and as we reported on in our 23 July article New US Law To Remove Trump From Power And Declare War On Russia “Will Be Met By Force”), a new US law deceptively named Countering Iran's Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 has been overwhelmingly passed by the US Congress—but whose essence calls for the complete destruction of Russia’s mining, transportation, railway, natural gas and oil industries through a Western economic embargo—that not only seeks to destroy Russia, but the European Union too. 

The only time in recorded history that the United States moved with such brutal force to destroy another nation, this report notes, was in the 1930’s-1940’s when the entire President Franklin D. Roosevelt administration was overcome with “mass hysteria” that the Empire of Japan was going to capture the legendary inner-earth region known as Shangri-La (aka Lost World of Agharta or Shambhala)—and in order to stop this from happening, in 1939 began imposing embargos on the Japanese that culminated on 26 July 1941 when Roosevelt froze all of Japan’s assests in the United States—and that resulted, 5 months later, in Japan destroying the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941.  

As astonishing as it is to believe, this report continues, the Shangri-Lamass hysteria” that infected the entire Roosevelt Administration in the years leading up to World War II began with President Roosevelt’s Secretary of Agriculture (and 33rd Vice President of the United States) Henry Wallace—who was a self described mystic who believed he could “contact God—and in 1929 introduced the Russian mystic Nicholas Roerich to Franklin Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor. 

After the 1931 invasion of China (Manchuria) by the Empire of Japan, this report continues, Franklin Roosevelt began his ascent to US presidency taking office on 4 March 1933—with his new Secretary of Agriculture, Henry Wallace, then planning for Nicolas Roerich’s expedition to China to find Shangri-La before the Japanese did—and which lasted from 1934-1935—and that President Roosevelt had first proposed.

Greatly alarming the Roosevelt Administration, this report notes, was Nazi Germany joining in the search for Shangri-La too in 1938—and that was led by the famed, and feared, Nazi SS officer Ernst Schäfer who had been searching for this legendary region since 1931—and who had partnered with the famed American explorer and OSS operative Brooke Dolan II.

The Roosevelt Administration, this report continues, had believed that the Nazi Germany discoveries regarding Shangri-La made by SS officer Ernst Schäfer and OSS operative Brooke Dolan II would remain between the United States and Germany—but who were shocked, on 27 September 1940, when Germany and the Empire of Japan signed an alliance against America and its Western allies.  

As to what Nazi Germany discovered in their search for Shangri-La, however, this report says, remains one of the highest classified subjects among all world governments today—but with it bearing to note, that after Soviet forces had taken Berlin, in 1945, they discovered hundreds of Tibetan Buddhist monks in swastika decorated Nazi SS uniforms who had committed mass suicide

Shortly after the American’s entered World War II, this report says it’s, also, important to note, President Roosevelt (supposedly jokingly) told reporters that the US warplanes that struck Tokyo (Doolittle Raid) in early 1942 were launched from a secret US airbase in Shangri-La—and who named his wartime mountain fortress Shangri-La (now known as Camp David) and, likewise, commissioned the USS aircraft carrier Shangri-La

President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s wartime mountain bunker Shangri-La (now known as Camp David) 

As America continues its descent into madness today like it did in the years leading up to World War II, this report says, Foreign Minister Lavrov has only been able to state that he is astonished by the “mass hysteria” overcoming US politicians—and whose present wartime actions against Russia they claim are in response to their presidential election being interfered with. 

The “main/central” problem with this claim, however, this report continues, is that it is a completely made up falsehood—and as just confirmed by the esteemed US organization known as Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)—who in their memorandum to President Trump released this week stated:

“Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computers, and then doctored to incriminate Russia.”

Made up of former US intelligence officials from the CIA, NSA, FBI, etc., this report notes, this is only the second time in this organizations history they have sent such a warning memorandum to a US president—with their first being in 2003 when they warned President George W. Bush against invading Iraq because the intelligence he was using was completely made up and had no basis in reality.

With America now being “ruled by the big lie” method of propaganda that (for instance) blames Russia for invading Ukraine while at the same time that nations president is facing charges for high treason, this report grimly concludes, there still exists no evidence that the people of that nation realize the grave danger that they’re in—and whose near total ignorance of their own history, and the insanity of their leaders, will, most assuredly, leave them in terror when the world finally unites to (hopefully) bring them back to sanity—at least those who are left alive after the bombs stop falling. 

July 26, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

Ramey comments:

Where are all those prophets that, a few years ago, were saying Germany will rise again?  The Nazi war machine was transferred to America in "Operation Paperclip" along with the Scherf (Bush) family.  This has been carefully papered over by the fake news media but the info is still avail-able on the web.  Quoting Hillary: "What difference does it make?"

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