Monday, July 17, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


July 11, 2017

Islamic Terrorists Strike Heart Of America, Blow US Marine KC-130 Aircraft Out Of Sky

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A grim Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that an elite unit from the National Security Counterterrorism Division (CTD) of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have just arrived in Leflore County, Mississippi, after a suspected Islamic terror attack brought down a US Marine “Harvest HAWK” equipped Lockheed Martin KC-130 aircraft that was enroute from the Millington Regional Jetport (NQA), Tennessee, to Soto Cano Air Base (also known as Palmerola Air Base) in the Central American nation of Honduras.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

US Marine “Harvest HAWK” equipped KC-130 aircraft

According to this report, at 15:57 (UTC/GMT -6 hours Central Standard Time) on 10 July, Air Force Radio-Technical Troops (MoD-AF) detected an “explosive dispersal event” occurring over North America near 33°31′7″N 90°11′2″W (Greenwood, Mississippi) at an altitude of 6,137.5 meters (20,137 feet)—with subsequent satellite radar-photo analysis showing a debris field of approximately 8 kilometers (5 miles) in diameter. 

At least 16 reported dead after US Marine KC-130 blown up in skies over Mississippi

The MoD’s further analysis of this event, this report continues, showed that the only aircraft in that region (altitude/direction of flight) was a US Marine KC-130 refueling aircraft with “Harvest HAWK” battlefield enhancements assigned to the Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force - Southern Command (SPMAGTF-SC).

Interesting to note in this report is its stating that the MoD has been monitoring this particular flight path over North America since early June (2017) when the US Southern Command began a sudden, and massive, deployment of US Marine rapid response military forces to Honduras

Elite US Marine rapid response troops arriving in Honduras on 1 June 2017

The specifics of this flight path being monitored by the MoD, this report details, involve US Marine KC-130 aircraft arriving at Tinker Air Force Base (TIK) in Oklahoma, being supplied with armaments from the massive McAlester Army Ammunition Plant (MCAAP), also in Oklahoma, their then flying to the Millington Regional Jetport (NQA), in Tennessee, where additional US Marine/US Navy military forces from the Naval Support Activity Mid-South (NSA Mid-South, NAVSUPPACT Mid-South, NSAMS) base are added, then these flights completing their journey to Honduras.

Upon being alerted by the MoD of this “explosive dispersal event” occurring, this report says, SVR analysts confirmed the findings that showed, indeed, a US Marine KC-130 aircraft loaded with ammunition exploded at approximately 6,096 meters (20,000 feet) over Mississippi, at the time specified, and its leaving a debris filed of 8 kilometers (5 miles) with, at least, 16 US Marine and/or US Navy troops being identified as casualties—with one local resident, Andy Jones, describing this “event” by his stating “I heard a boom and looked up and saw the plane corkscrewing down to the ground”. 

Debris of US Marine KC-130 aircraft blown up over Mississippi on 10 July 2017

As to why the US Southern Command is rushing their elite US Marine rapid response troops to Honduras, this report explains, is due to a chilling document titled “Terrorism in Latin America (Part One): The Infiltration of Islamic Extremists” presented to President Donald Trump this past March (2017) authored by David Grantham, Ph.D.—who is a Senior Fellow of National Security at the National Center for Policy Analysis.

In this document presented to President Trump, this report says, Dr Grantham grimly states: “The threat from Islamic extremists in Latin America remains an overlooked aspect of U.S. national security strategy. And the threat is worsening – not “waning” as the Obama administration claimed about Iran in 2013.  The Trump administration should shift U.S. priorities in Latin America to strategies that preemptively disrupt the financial networks of Islamists, aid allied governments with legal and law enforcement support, and increase intelligence-gathering capabilities in the region.”

Islamic terrorists begin flooding into Central and South America

SVR analysts, however, in this report state that President Trump’s deployment of these elite US Marine rapid response troops may signal that he’s prepared to intervene in Venezuela—and that he began doing in May (2017) when he slapped new sanctions on this South American nation—and causing its President, Nicolas Maduro, to fire back at Trump by stating: “Enough meddling ...go home Donald Trump...get out of Venezuela...get your dirty hands out of here”.

Of the greatest concern to the SVR regarding the blowing up of this US Marine KC-130 aircraft over the heart of America, this report concludes, is that Venezuela is now cooperating with ISIS against the Americans—and was gravely noticed earlier this year when Venezuela was discovered to be selling its passports in Iraq to anyone who wanted one—including Islamic terrorists fleeing the battlefields of both Syria and Iraq. 

Venezuela government really doesn’t like America or President Trump as this wall mural in Caracas shows

July 11, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

Ramey comments:

The blood of these marines is on the hands of Hillary Clinton.  400 of the surface to air missiles, presumably of the kind that took down the C 130 aircraft, were shipped to the U.S. by her from Libya when she was secretary of state.  She was covered by the deep state so the receivers were never located.  Now we are starting to feel them. 

Shouldn't we cut the head off the snake by "Arkanciding" this witch?  If we hung her and Obama on one side of a light pole and the Bush family on the other side, surely it would balance out the equation. 

Do we begin to see how precariously the future of America hangs in the balance?  The DNC is committed to the destruction of America to please their global bosses.  Not even Russia offers the block to the NWO that America does.  There are simply too many gun owners in America.  But that is being overcome with the FEMA camps that will offer food and shelter to Americans as the famine descends.  Guns, of course, will not be allowed in these concentration camps --- other than those carried by the guards who will be sorting Amrericans as to who is salable as a slave and the extermination of those who are not.

We are nearer to that time than what most Americans dare think.  We still have reruns of Gunsmoke, John Wayne movies and Big Macs (even though they may be tainted with human flesh).  Are we ready for the reset --- the transition, the total destruction of America?  If not, I sincerely believe we have a short time to get ready. 

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