Monday, July 31, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Now it's a bit late to implement that advice.  Now he is in the last ditch battle for, not only his life, but that of his family.  Keep in mind that the "Jews", (trained in NYC), murdered, not only the Czar of Russia, but his entire family because they were an obstruction to the NWO. 

The NWO, under the jurisdiction of Satan, is a force to be contended with but it's days are numbered.  If you can read and under-stand the messages of the prophets, you can see that Satan's reign on planet earth is almost over.  He will be restrained for 1000 years as we can see in Rev 20, but then he will be set free again to seduce those who have not received the " of truth".  Yes, war will be put on hold for 1000 years, but then, in order to shake the tree and get rid of the rotten fruit, he will again be released to lead them down the path of war.  He and those who follow will then be destroyed forever.  In the final chapter of Malachi, we see that the righteous will tread the ashes of the wicked.  They will be consumed by fire and reduced to ashes.  These will die a much less violent death than the followers of the great whore of Revelation 17, who will be poured a double portion of the misery they have inflicted on humanity.  (See Rev 18). One can scarcely imagine the extent of this "double portion". 

Can we believe the reset that is coming to planet earth?  Don't take my word for it --- read what the prophets have written for our day. 

Certain men have divided the prophets into major and minor prophets --- but don't let this fool you.  I make no distinction between major and minor prophets.  Men have assigned a "minor" status to the prophet Habakkuk but if you can get your arms around what he is saying, it is one of the most important prophetic messages to planet earth today.  It appears that it is the "Little book", (Rev 10), handed (open) to the two prophets of Revelation 11.  This appears to be among the most important prophetic messages of our time. 

The "Jesus myth" is a Vatican concoction with no connection to reality as any serious study will show.  Yes, the world has been deceived as we see in Revelation 12:9.  One fourth of the world believes the "Jesus myth" and another 20% of the world population believes that Allah was a prophet of the God of Abraham.  These two groups comprise the legs of the dream image of King Nebuchadnezzar of ancient Babylon who was given a preview of things to come in the 2nd chapter of the book of Daniel.  Today, we have enough history, despite the censorship of the Romans, to lay out the scenario given King Neb --- if we have a "... love of truth". 

We can see in II Thessalonians 2:10 that it is this " of truth" that will be the boarding pass for the exodus from Babylon before the holocaust hits. 

I have hammered this theme repeatedly because I see an America in denial and totally disconnected from reality.  The reality is that America is on the threshold of war and this one will be felt in America. 

It will be more than "felt" --- it will be her final chapter in world history.  There will be no restoration of America.  It will become a wilderness forever as we can see in Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51.

And it isn't merely America --- even though America has led the world in idolatry --- but it is the entire world steeped in idolatry and it has been promoted through the forum of religion.  That campaign of Satan is very nearly over and Israelite survivors will lead the world in recovery by introducing the God of Israel to the gentile world.  This will be done by showing that an entire nation, (the nation of the new and greater Israel), can live by the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Creator.  Not only can they live by them but they will demonstrate that the Creator has the power to protect them so they can live in peace and prosper.

This is the next chapter of world history. 

Will it be a "wand wave" by a "genie in a bottle" god envisioned by the religions of this world?  Certainly not.  But if we can read and comprehend the prophets, we can see He returns with wrath at what the men who have set themselves up as rulers have perpetrated on earth and lays waste to the armies they have amassed to fight against Him.  (See Isaiah 63, Zechariah 14 and Rev 19). 

It isn't easy for those who have been taught myths, starting with santa and the easter bunny, to get their arms around this.

The deception of planet earth has been effected through all of Satan's kingdoms, (See Luke 4 for which kingdoms those are), which includes all educational institutions and all religions today. 

That reign of terror and universal deception is almost over.  The god of this world, (see II Corinthians 4:4), is about to be replaced and you can see the preview of the ceremony in Daniel 7:13-14.  This world is about to be turned rightside up but it will be with much bloodshed.  It appears that the upheaval will be equal to, or greater than the cataclysm of Noah's day.  Why?  Because of the universal corruption of our world today.  This is simply not going to go unchallenged. 

When you look at the various messages of the prophets, it becomes evident that this age is going to be closed out with a cataclysm of unprecedented proportions.  Two thirds of the end time Israel are to perish according to Ezekiel 5.  This is not the counterfeit nation named "Israel" today but rather those who make up Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, America, Britain, etc.  The time will be a time of darkness and not light according to the prophet Amos.  The end time Babylon will be evacuated in a one month period of time according to the prophet Hosea.  The end time Babylon will be destroyed "... in one hour", according to Rev 18.  These prophecies describe a cataclysm of gigantic proportions and we can see that cataclysm coming to the fore today in Yellowstone. 

When the U.S. congress and deep state are ready to trigger WW III and destroy planet earth with nuclear cosmocide, the Creator will unleash Yellowstone and destroy the end time Babylon which is America.  (See the "Little book" of Habakkuk for the identity of America as the end time Babylon.)  It will unleash the biggest earthquake ever recorded on planet earth as noted in Rev 6:12 and with resultant tsunamis that will inundate our east coast and perhaps the west coast as well.  The ensuing darkness may well be as a result of the ash in the atmosphere due to the eruption of Yellowstone.  But it will be dark and may very well still be a state of near total darkness when the tsunamis hit hours later.  Can you think of a more terrifying scenario? 

We knew a couple on their honeymoon when the last big one hit Los Angeles area and they were in a motel room in the northern outskirts of LA.  The quake was centered in the Big Bear area and there was bed-lam in their room.  There was the sound of much glass breaking and they were in bed because it was in the wee hours of the morning.  And they were in the nude.  No lights --- power was out --- what do you do dear, what do you do?    Find your shoes and your clothes in a room that is moving.

The picture they painted was truly terrifying.  But that is only a dress rehearsal for the big one coming that will be centered in the U.S. and very well may be a combination of the San Andreas, the Cascadia Subduction Zone and the New Madrid --- all touched off by Yellowstone. 

Do we begin to get the picture? 

Can we begin to understand the wrath of the Creator that is stored up for a nation whose government is one third pedophiles?

Can we begin to understand why the 2nd priority of the new ruler to be crowned in Jerusalem is to be the destruction of "...those who destroy the earth"?  (See Rev 11:18).  Can we see why the reset is, not only needed, but mandatory if earth is to survive? 

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