Saturday, July 8, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


Quayle Alert: Quake Devastation Coming on W Coast – Part 2

Tuesday, July 4, 2017 7:14

Steve Quayle Alert

To my knowledge, there is still not enough large areas to properly store this amount of persons. There are only so many houses, auditoriums, churches, stadiums and other large facilities within the areas of the affected. Many people will be taken in by those who have the room and others will just find a place to be. Some will go back to Mexico and some will travel to other states, if the highways and interstates are open still though I doubt they will be open for long.

I would expect most commercial traffic to be shut down and rerouted. Thousands of vehicles will be on the roads at one time for days, many will run out of gas and many conflicts will happen between the “A” zone and “B” zone that law enforcement will not be able to prevent or respond to. Major telephone interruptions would also be taking place during this time, not to mention mass power outages.

Hospitals will turn into morgues and hasty hospitals set up by the state and federal government will be overburdened by the first day.

Meanwhile, the disaster zones are quarantined off and all highways and interstates are locked down with Vehicle Check Points (VCP) manned by the military and law enforcement. I can only imagine the hell I’ll be walking through after this Earthquake. I for see fractures of road that are shifted 10 feet into the air and non passable by our vehicles. There will probably be a lot of helicopter insertions and extractions. The military bases along the west coast, if not affected, will be mobilized to help bring aid and security.

The gangs and terrorist that are left in the affected areas are now taking advantage of the situation and rampaging through the neighborhoods. This is where I’ll be, fighting against the madness of the situation and trying to bring medical aid to whomever is left. This is what we’re getting ready for. There will be a fight for LA and San Diego. Surrounding areas will be teeming with crime and there will still be thousands of people who need to be extracted.

I forgot to mention a very important part. There are two nuclear power plants located in Diablo Canyon that would be in the vicinity of the quake. If they get damaged and meltdown we could have two Chernobyls plus a Fukishima effect since it’s near a port. Millions could be affected by radiation. Now we have a no go zone of almost 50 miles or more. If the quake is truly chaotic and goes higher than a 10 on the richter scale the three nuclear power plants in Phoenix Arizona could be affected but that’s a real long shot.

Another thing to think about is the Cascadia Subduction Zone. It’s estimated, though not spoken of in public settings ,that we could lose most of the west coast. From Tijuana, Mexico to Seattle, Washington. Also, this Earthquake could agitate the near 36 volcanos along the west coast into eruptions, which cause even more unmentionable damage to the areas. There are approximately 17 volcanos that the US has marked as green for normal activities and 19 volcanos that are unmonitored. Yellowstone is also marked as green currently for normal operations but should be unaffected during a major Earthquake, should be.

Getting back to the matter at hand. This is not a conspiracy this is a fact. The government is getting ready for it, look up Operation Cascadia Rising on There is no time line for these events. I would tell everyone on the west coast to move towards the east, if you can. May God have mercy on us when this hits. Please be prepared and understand the severity of this event.

What people fail to remember about this situation is that it will change the country for years. Where do we get most of our produce from? How will this affect the economy? Will the dams hold up to this massive earthquake and how much worse does it get if they rupture and flood the surrounding towns? There are an estimated 43 dams in California alone and an estimated 15 or more in Oregon and Washington State. Mass forest fires could be started by natural or man made events during this time as well.

It would be hell on American soil and not one of our enemies fired a bullet. However, it could cripple our Nation to the point that an invasion would be possible. This is the big picture boys and girls.

Are you prepared?

Ramey comments:

The above article is quite sobering since it is based on some hard scientific data. There is no time set for this because that is still a big question mark.  Why?  Because of the unknown effect of Nibiru.  Therefore it is the driver of Nibiru that has the time-table in His hands.  He will be the one to pull the trigger on the devastating quake that destroys America. 

Make no mistake, this will greatly exceed anything the world has seen to date in the way of earthquakes.  So when they say Yellowstone will not be affected, I feel that is being naive to the extreme.  In fact, I feel that Yellowstone may be the trigger and touch off the Cascadia Subduction Zone, New Madrid and San Andreas.  It is the end of America and you can see this in Isaiah 13, Habakkuk 3 and Jeremiah 50-51.

How much warning will there be?  Since we cannot look to the scientists, astrologers, astronomers or self-appointed prognosticators such as the above article --- can we look to the one who laid all this out millennia ago and communicated an outline of this plan to His prophets?  Surely no sane person today believes the prophets.  I beg your pardon.  I consider myself sane and I believe the prophets.  Have they shown us how much time will be given from the final warning to the time our nation is destroyed totally? 

The Supreme Sovereign of the Universe has not spoken to me in dreams or in person. Some of Satan's ministers claim He has  spoken to them but they really should "... test the spirits" they are listening to as per the instructions in I John 4,   He has, however, certainly revealed to me some "...great and mighty things".  (See Jeremiah 33:3).  I have tried to share most of those things with my reading audience over the past 8+ years.  Now we are coming down to the wire on what I have been saying is to happen to America and the question is: "How much warning will we be given as a nation of the destruction that has already been determined because of idolatry"? 

It is my opinion, at this time, that we will be given ten days notice before the biggest earthquake felt on earth in all of recorded history --- and that it will be centered in America.  We see the indictment against America (Babylon), in Habakkuk 2.  We see the judgment levied against her in Habakkuk 3.  This granddaddy of all quakes and the tsunamis that follow is that judgment --- and it's because of idolatry. 

It is my opinion that this ten days warning will begin immediately after a few people are taken out of Babylon in an exodus that will be noted worldwide.  Abraham was told that if ten righteous people could be found living in Sodom, He would spare that city/ nation for the sake of the ten.  Ten were not found so He took the 3 or 4, that were found, out in an exodus and destroyed the city/nation of Sodom.  The prophet, Malachi  quoted that same God as saying, "I change not". 

In Jericho only one person (and her family) was found worth saving and she was an harlot.  (This should blow the minds of the devout and honorable church ladies.)  The translators of the K/J Bible simply couldn't accept this so they changed the definition of "harlot" to include "inn keeper".  Do your own research.

Are there ten righteous people living in America?  Will the exodus be with fewer than ten?  Hardly seems like an international event but again, do your own research.  You might want to start with Isaiah 52:10-12. 

It is also my opinion, (based on current news plus what has been revealed to me over the past few years), that the "100 day countdown on America" has already begun.

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