Monday, July 17, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


July 12, 2017

Russian Lawyer At Heart Of Trump Probe Revealed To Be James Comey’s “FBI Snitch”

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Another stunning Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the Russian attorney now at the center of America’s ongoing “Deep State” coup against President Donald Trump has been identified by the Federal Security Service (FSB) as being a “private snitch” (informant) who was working under the direct command of former FBI Director James Comey—and who after successfully penetrating the Trump campaign, was “rewarded” by her receiving a lucrative contract from the McCain Institute. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] 

According to this report, following the shocking information presented to President Putin by President Donald Trump last week at the G-20 summit proving Hillary Clinton’s vast corruption of Federation companies, banks and government institutions (our report titled “Enormity Of Hillary Clinton Penetration Into Russia Warned Could Topple US Government”), the FSB discovered another such scheme then Secretary of State of Clinton became embroiled in involving Russian Railways.

Russian Railways, this report details, is one of the three largest transport companies in the world, but who came under “intense/extreme” scrutiny, in 2009, when Andrei Yakunin (the son of Russian Railways president Vladimir Yakunin) struck what was called “a landmark deal” with The Rezidor Hotel Group—a company listed on the Stockholm stock exchange that has long experience operating hotels—ahead of President Putin’s order that one-quarter of this massive state owned company be privatized by the end of 2013.

A multi-year FSB investigation into this “landmark deal” between Russian Railways and The Rezidor Hotel Group, this report notes, revealed it to be a vast money laundering scheme involving not only Vladimir Yakunin and his son Andrei, but also Petr Katsyv—who was the vice president of Russian Railways.

The “essence/aim” of this money laundering scheme, this report explains, involved the funneling of illegal contracts to Western companies tied to Hillary Clinton for building hotels along the right of ways of Russian Railways—and were to be overseen by an American named Mark Sutton—who was just appointed as a Director of The Rezidor Hotel Group after his being “groomed” for this post by Tim Morse—who is the CEO of a multinational real estate company  named Ten-X (that Mark Sutton worked for) and who, in turn, was the master money manipulator of this failed internet giant Yahoo run by top Hillary Clinton supporter Marissa Mayer.

In 2009 when Andrei Yakunin initiated this illegal scheme and Secretary Clinton “installedTim Morse as the CEO of Yahoo, this report continues, this cabal, also, created a shadowy private intelligence company in London named Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd. to protect their interests—who employed former British spies, and with the most infamous of them being Christopher Steele who created what is now known as the fake “Russian Dossier that has damaged the reputation of President Trump. 

While following the trail of the FSB’s investigation into this money laundering scheme involving Hillary Clinton and Russian Railways, this report says, US authorities, in 2013, filed their own indictment—but not against Andrei Yakunin or his son Vladimir Yakunin, but, instead, against Denis Katsyv, who is the son of Russian Railways vice president Petr Katsyv.

Following this US indictment against Denis Katsyv, this report details, President Putin ordered an “immediate/rapid” conclusion to the FSB’s investigation of the Hillary Clinton-Russian Railways scheme—and when presented the findings, in October 2015, fired its president Andrei Yakunin, with his son, Vladimir Yakunin, fleeing to London after being granted a British passport. 

President Putin, also, this report notes, fired Russian Railways vice president Petr Katsyv—and who 6 weeks later, in December 2015, made a personal offer to FBI Director James Comey to become an informer and provide the American’s with all the evidence supporting this scheme.

Negotiating this “snitch deal” between Petr Katsyv and FBI Director Comey, this report explains, was Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya—and whose efforts were successful as evidenced by US authorities dropping all of the charges against Denis Katsyv in May (2017) settling their case for $5.9 with no wrongdoing admitted.

Important to note about Natalia Veselnitskaya, this report says, is that the “snitch deal” she negotiated between Petr Katsyv and FBI Director Comey was done in Vienna, Austria, as she was not allowed to the enter the United States—but who was mysteriously this past summer granted a special access visa that could have only been authorized by a top Obama regime official.

Upon Natalia Veselnitskaya being granted her special access visa to enter the US, this report details, she was stripped searched in London under orders from FBI Director Comey in order to make certain she was not carrying any incriminating FSB documents relating to Hillary Clinton’s crimes—and when entering the United States, she said that she was contacted by a British publicist named Robert (Bob) Goldstone who said he had arranged a meeting for her with top Trump campaign officials so that she could advocate for the repeal of a US law called the Magnitsky Act.

To the “true/real” facts regarding Natalia Veselnitskaya’s being allowed to enter the US, however, FSB analysts in this report detail, was that while she was negotiating the “snitch deal” between Petr Katsyv and FBI Director Comey, she too was recruited to be an FBI informant—and as evidenced by her receiving a lucrative contract from the McCain Institute arranged by one of its senior directors named David Kramer who was a former US State Department official—and that just 8 days after her meeting Trump campaign officials, David Kramer arranging for her to meet with the Obama regimes former Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul.

FBI informant Natalia Veselnitskaya (circled) with Obama regime Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul 8 days after meeting with Trump campaign officials

With all respectable Western journalists failing to publish the fake “Russian Dossier” against Trump being peddled by US Senator John McCain and David Kramer, though, this report notes, Senator McCain then gave it to FBI Directory James Comey—who since his receiving it, and supported by his leftist mainstream “fake news” media allies, has continually used it to discredit President Trump. 
Even more absurd than FBI Director Comey’s actions, this report details, is that this fake “Russian Dossier” prepared by British secret agents using supposed Russian sources was, also, used by Hillary Clinton’s campaign against Trump—and that numerous US legal experts have stated was illegal for Clinton to do—but with their only using this standard against Trump, with one of these so called experts even laughingly stating without irony: “If Donald Trump Jr. sought “dirt” on Hillary Clinton from the Russians, he might be charged with conspiring to violate the election laws of the United States, which prohibit foreign nationals from contributing any “thing of value” to an electoral campaign.”

As many experts in American politics are now warning that the anti-Russia narrative against President will continue because “everyone is afraid of the Deep State, this report continues, the US mainstream “fake news” media is, also, content to not tell the people in their country any truth about these things as they believe these people are too stupid to understand anything—and that was shamelessly displayed this week by The New York Times top journalist David Brooks, who stated he didn’t bring a friend to eat at an upscale restaurant because they only had a high school education and wouldn’t understand the menu.

Due to these elite American journalists not telling their citizens true things, this report says, virtually none of these people know that the “central/main” claim that Russia “hacked the election” has already been proven to be a complete lie—as the most conclusive forensic examination of the hacked Democratic Party emails stunning reveal that all of these emails were printed out (copied locally) from the DNC’s own computer systems—and just 5 days before DNC data analyst Seth Rich was mysteriously murdered

And to anyone believing that any of these “Deep State” criminals aligned with Hillary Clinton and the Obama regime will ever be brought to justice, this report concludes, their hopes will be dashed—and as evidenced by a young American intelligence analyst named Reality Winner who sits in solitary confinement facing decades in prison for the crime of printing out a classified US government document and giving it to the press, while former FBI Director Comey, who printed out classified US government documents and gave them to the press, still walks free to associate with his “Deep State” allies at The New York Times while their coup d’etat consumes that whole nation—but whose President Trump, even today, prays to God in his White House Oval Office so that American might be saved.    

President Donald Trump prays to God to save his nation, 12 July 2017

July 12, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

 [Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

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