Wednesday, July 19, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


By climbome

Is President Putin (Un)Controlled Opposition By The Western NWO?

Wednesday, July 12, 2017 2:53

Putin´s Passport Shows That His Mother Is Jewish 

Everyone knows that President Putin is hated more than anyone else in MSM in the west. Not a single day goes by without media rebuking him. In fact he is rational and tells many truths about the world at large when he is interviewed. Where are his real sympathies actually? How could he become the KGB chief in the 1990s if he wasn´t part of the same globalist group of people controlled by the super bankers and on top of them the Tibetan Lamas? Why hasn´t he revealed that his mother is Jewish? There are many question marks surrounding President Putin and his ascension to the top.

Is Vladimir Putin just another puppet of Rothschild and ultimately the Tibetan Lamas ruling the world? If we look closely we can see that Putin even wears the red Kabbalah string at work sometimes. That´s a sure sign that he belongs to the jewish secret society. At the same time it might be that he plays the same game as Stalin did – which means that he will use Russia´s resources to battle the NWO and strive for Russia´s real independence. Being on top of Russia is no small thing and Putin is definitely sharp enough to battle the western top jewry. Furthermore, he is healthy, calm, strong and intelligent when he talks. If we compare Putin with Hitler it´s clear that Hitler was a mere puppet without any mental capacity to rule a big country. So the comparison is not correct although both rulers might have some jewish roots and they were groomed as youngsters by the NWO.

Competent Putin With Kabbalah Red String

Hitler – Incompetent Puppet Secretly Controlled By The NWO

The only remaining question is if Putin really wants to follow orders from the globalists or if he is strong enough to play his own game? We all remember Adolf Hitler. He said that he was against the jews and that he wanted to support the aryan race. But many people including MSM claim that Hitler was the grandson of a Rothschild jewish super banker. Not only that, he was just a puppet being used by the Rothschild controlled super bankers to create another world war and destroy Russia, Germany and many other countries along with making enormous fortunes out of the war. Interestingly the Nazis were zealous zionists – another obvious sign of their puppet status.

What is Putin doing in Syria? He actually undermines some of the Israeli influence down there by helping another nationalist, Assad stay in power. The end result in any case is that Syria is destroyed and millions of refugees are coming to Europe. 

Conclusion – Putin Is Controlled Opposition But China Is On Top

Controlled Opposites Lead The World To Disaster

If we take a close look at Putin he is a strong leader who has had real power in Russia for at least 25 years. This is a sign that he went from being controlled to becoming uncontrolled by the western NWO. Usually the NWO globalists don´t want any strong politicians in power for a long time because then they can take over the military and the real power of the country. American Presidents and other western leaders only keep their power for about 8 years and then they are gone. If someone can control Russia like Putin has done for such a long time it´s a sure sign that he is out of control. Israel´s(and the US) power diminishes by the day and China takes over as the western economic bubble of credit will burst. The only real long term money is gold and silver.

On the other hand it looks like Putin plays the game very well with the ”western jews” – perhaps because he knows all their tricks and they can´t deceive him. As it stands it is more likely that Putin has a secret alliance with the eastern NWO(also called the Lamas or eastern jewry) which makes him more and more close to China.  China on their hand is looking for the natural resources and territory from Russia. This is a game where the NWO(both eastern and western) will attack the whole world suddenly in 2017 and that is the magic moment when according to many prophecies the Lord will suddenly intervene in a miraculous way.

The interesting thing here is that Putin is prophecied to battle the Antichrist in WW III – in the form of both China and the Western countries who are all controlled by Satanists (just like Russia is said to be controlled by them). China will steal Siberia from Russia by slowly mass migrating Chinese into that region. On the west front there will be a kind of equilibrium according to prophecy and it´s possible that the North of Europe will align with Russia and fight the southern part of Europe. These are all events predestined for the next phase of our human civilization which is prophecied to start in September 2017. What is certain is that the NWO will lose everything and not only that. The whole of mankind will be embroiled in a battle of good vs evil. 

Ramey comments:

Conspiracies can't exist if everyone knows about them. Conspiracies are about secret societies, secret agents, secret deals --- all requiring an ultra high degree of deception. 

Keeping the majority deceived is no big deal but there are a few thinkers out there who must also be kept in a state of deception.  So Satan's henchmen, (the masters of deception), leave a number of "trails of crumbs" along the way to lead these people off in wrong directions.  Those led off in wrong directions are the ones the fake news likes to call "Conspiracy Theorists". 

You can see, in the above article, a couple of these "trails of crumbs" in trying to support the myth that the fake Jews in Israel are the ringleaders of the conspiracy.  Then the author introduces a new line that the real masterminds are the Tibetan Llamas.

I have shown you in the pages of these Commentaries that all the roads of the conspiracy lead to Rome and that the real owners of the world bank (now a conglomerate of banks in a move to minimize liability for priests who like to play footsy with choir boys), is the Vatican.

The Vatican is the modern day whore of Rev 17 and the leftovers of the Babylonian Mystery Religion.  They have an unholy alliance with the Jews that was originally made between Judeas Maccabee and the Roman senate over 2000 years ago and you can see the covenant in I Maccabees 8.  You can see also that the Romans added to the "Proposal of friendship" by Judeas Maccabee that it was to last "forever".  That covenant is still in effect and was passed on to the Vatican in the transaction of Rev 13:12.

America is a creation of the Vatican as "the image of the Roman beast", (the 4th beast or empire of Daniel 7).  The little counterfeit nation of Israel (made up primarily of Khazarian pirates), is also a creation of the Vatican with cardinal Spellman of NYC as the point man. 

The U.N. was formed up under the "protective umbrella" of the 1957 Treaty of Rome" and is preparing the way for the NWO which they still have high hopes of bringing to fruition. 

And now it begins to appear that this is the year for all their centuries of preparation to ripen.  All signs appear go for them to collapse the world economy in hopes of bringing "order out of chaos" with a greatly reduced earth population and with them-selves still firmly in control. 

I have also shown you in the pages of these Commentaries, that a new ruler of planet earth is about to be inducted into office to replace Satan and we can see the ceremony in Daniel 7:13-14.  We can also see the top two items on the agenda of this new ruler in Rev 11:18. 

Are we prepared for the biggest event in all of recorded history --- this year?


Is anyone else in the whole world giving you the unvarnished truth?  Or are religionists dishing up the same old pabulum they have been putting out for millennia? 

A few scientists are trying to warn the world that Fukushima is a worldwide dis-aster but are any linking this to the attempt by Satan to destroy planet earth?  Are any showing you in Daniel 7:13-14 that Satan is to be replaced shortly and that the second item on the agenda of his replacement is to destroy those who are destroying the earth? (See Rev 11:18).

Are any showing you that Yellowstone is a ticking bomb and how a Yellowstone blow locks in solidly with many prophecies such as Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51 which say America (Babylon) will become a wilderness never again to be inhabited.  Also Rev 18 which says Babylon will be destroyed " one hour".  And what about Hosea 5:7, which implies that America will be evacuated " one month"?  Would a Yellowstone blow make this urgency mandatory if one third of the populace is to be rescued as it says in Ezekiel 5? 

When we begin to assemble these prophecies like a jigsaw puzzle and get the pieces in the right places, they bring out a sobering picture of a real solution to today's world problems.  That solution, however, entails the destruction of every institution created by Satan or a "Reset" if you will in which a true "new society" is created that will experience "...peace on earth among men of good will". 

Is anyone else in the whole world showing you "To whom He (the Eternal) will teach knowledge and cause to understand doctrine" --- and how He will do this?  You can read it for yourself in Isaiah 28. 

Has anyone else shown you that the prophet Habakkuk nailed down conclusively the identity of America as the end time Babylon and that he did it some and that he did it some 26 centuries ago?  Some worldly wise folks have accepted the challenge to check this out and even acknowledged on the web that this is true.  But when they run out the thread of logic that accompanies this knowledge --- i.e. the destruction of this "Babylon" in " hour", as it says in Rev 18 --- then they can't accept it as the truth.  In other words, since their " of truth" is shallow, they lapse right back into denial. 

Is anyone else in the whole world showing you that the book of Daniel, sealed at the time of writing (see chapter 12), is now unsealed?  And have they matched up history with Daniel’s prophecy to show you indisputably the identity of the two legs of King Neb's dream image of chapter 2? 

Is anyone else showing you the forum used by Satan for the deception of the whole world?  (Rev 12:9).  There is only one that crosses over all cultural lines from Wall St to the jungles of Africa.  Do we think about these things?  Or are we even capable of doing our own thinking? 

I have shared with you many things in the pages of these Commentaries over the past 9 years and those Commentaries still bear silent witness on the web under the heading of "Unalienable Prophets".  Now we are into the crisis at the close of the age and, if we are watching, we should be able to see that the fabric of this chimera we call civilization is coming unraveled.

The Pacific Ocean is essentially dead.  The world is awash in radiation due to the folly of Satan's minions intent on destroying the earth.  The world economy is on the rocks and is only being propped up with printed fiat money which is but another term for counterfeit.  ,We have fake news, fake Jews, fake benefactors in religion and congress.  We have a world built on a foundation of mythology and now it is in crisis as we see from the condition of high alert for WW III by virtually all nations.  Is this a "tempest in a teapot" that will soon pass and allow us to get back to business as usual?  Are we that dumb?

Is anyone else showing you these things or are we really at the time of, " it was in the days of Noah"?

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